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Greater Cambridge Shared Services Annual Report 2017/18 - Waste

06/08/2018 - Greater Cambridge Shared Services Annual Report 2017/18 - Waste

Matter for Decision

The Officer’s report provided a summary of the progress and performance for the Greater Cambridge Shared Waste Service during 2017/18.


The principle of producing a single annual report for the shared services was agreed at committee in July 2015.


The overarching annual report for the Greater Cambridge Shared Services covered the Waste, Planning and Internal Audit services, but only the Waste Services falls under this Committee’s remit.


Decision of Executive Councillor for Environmental Services and City Centre

Noted the content of the Officer’s report.


Reason for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations

The Committee received a report from the Strategic Director.


Opposition Councillors made the following comments in response to the Officer’s report:

       i.          Asked for a geographic breakdown of collection rates etc as issues generally affected limited areas.

     ii.          Asked for a review of on-line service information as it was unsatisfactory.

   iii.          Expressed concern about assisted bin collection issues and how these had occurred due to crews not being given address details.


The following was said in response to Members’ questions:

Strategic Director

       i.          The system implementation and customer-focused digital changes referred to in paragraph 4.2.7 of the Officer’s report were in place and being implemented now.


Waste and Fleet Manager

     ii.          Would investigate if future reports could give details of collection rates etc by area. There were variables that may impact on reports eg vehicles did not make collections from just one ward and recording system limitations.

   iii.          There were some problems with assisted bin collections during Q1. Issues had now been resolved. A majority of bins had been collected.


Executive Councillor

   iv.          The Shared Waste Service collected an average of 99.55% of bins on due day over Q2 to Q4, against a target of 99.5%.

    v.          Would pass on Councillor Gillespie’s offer to help test the new data system before it went live.

   vi.          The Shared Waste Service had been discussed at Council meetings and Environment Scrutiny Committee. The Council would learn from its experience. Some issues were inevitable from a large project. This led to benefits such as fuel savings from more efficient bin rounds.


The Committee resolved by 7 votes to 1 to endorse the recommendation.


The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)

No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.