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The Committee received a report from the Environmental Health
The report advised Cambridge City Council, as the Licensing
Authority, was responsible for processing and issuing licences for a wide range
of activities.
The Council needed to demonstrate that the fees it charged
for such licences had been set in accordance with the law and best practice, so
as to recover its allowable costs in administering the various licensing
regimes for which it was responsible.
Fees should be set to avoid either a surplus or a subsidy
where possible and adjusted, if necessary, in succeeding years to achieve and
maintain the correct balance.
The Officer’s report set out the revised fees and charges for
licences and associated items, which it was proposed should be made with effect
from 1 April 2019.
In response to Members’ questions the Environmental Health Manager said
the following:
Skin piercing fees were omitted in error from the
Officer’s report (para 3.8). They would rise by 2% in-line with other charges.
Fees were put up some years ago as the council was
not covering its costs.
The council was generally covering its costs
currently (eg taxi committee hearings). Officers were looking at where the
council could charge fees, now and in future, based on case law. In the
meantime, 2% seemed viable for this year.
A number of fees were set nationally by Central Government,
so the council was lobbying to set these locally as they were areas where the
council was not covering costs.
The Committee:
Resolved (unanimously) to approve the level of fees and charges with effect from 1 April 2019, as set out in Appendix A of the Officer’s report, and to request officers to communicate the charges to the businesses, taxi trade and public.