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S106 Community Facilities Funding: Update and Way Forward

02/03/2018 - S106 Community Facilities Funding: Update and Way Forward

Matter for Decision

The Council secures S106 contributions to mitigate the impact of new development. Every ward has benefitted from new/improved community facilities as a result.


The Officer’s report set out community facility improvement projects, already allocated/earmarked S106 funding, and the next steps to move them forward. It then proposed the approach to the next ‘community facilities’ S106 funding round in the context of the remaining availability of S106 funding and the new Building Stronger Communities Strategy (BSCS).


Decision of Executive Councillor for Communities

The Executive Councillor agreed:

       i.          To combine all ‘community facilities’ S106 funding available to enable the Executive Councillor to make all future decisions on the use of these funds in the context of the official S106 regulations and any comments from local councillors on eligible local proposals (see report section 4);

     ii.          To confirm the existing community facilities S106 allocations for grants to Cambridgeshire County Council (see paragraphs 5.1 – 5.4), which are

·       £100,000 for additional community meeting space within the new Milton Road Library, subject to community use agreement, and

·       £255,000 for additional community meeting space within the new East Barnwell Community Centre, subject to planning permission, business case approval and community use agreement;

   iii.          To allocate to the Cherry Hinton Community Hub improvement project (see paragraphs 5.5–5.9), subject to planning and business case approvals:

·       All available generic ‘community facilities’ S106 contributions from Cherry Hinton ward and/or from developments in other wards within a 15 minute walking distance (around £163,700).

·       All available specific S106 contributions (around £37,600) for the Cherry Hinton Community Hub from nearby developments;

   iv.          The arrangements for the 2018 ‘community facilities’ S106 funding round (see section 6), including the timetable for seeking proposals and grant applications between late January and mid-March 2018, with a priority-setting report back to Community Services Scrutiny Committee in June 2018.


Reason for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations

The Committee received a report from the Urban Growth Project Manager.


In response to Members’ questions the Urban Growth Project Manager referred to section 4 of his report and said local councillors would get the chance to comment on eligible, nearby project proposals, even if located in another ward.


The Committee unanimously resolved to endorse the recommendations.


The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)

No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.