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Enforcement - EN/0017/17 - 146 Mowbray Road

21/11/2017 - Enforcement - EN/0017/17 - 146 Mowbray Road

The Committee received an amended version of the report previously seen at October 2017 committee whereby recommendations were subsequently unanimously approved by members. In the interest of planning clarity the correct version of the report was re-submitted for Members’ approval at November 2017 committee.


The Enforcement Officer recommended serving one Breach of Condition Enforcement Notice and one Breach of Condition Notice directed at remedying the harm caused as a result of the breach occurring. The breaches result in an unauthorised additional separate unit of accommodation being created and the recommendation looks to ensure compliance in the short term and onwards.


The Planning Enforcement Officer amended details in his report recommendations to correct job titles:

(ii) To authorise the Director of Planning and Economic Development Head of Planning Services (after consultation with

the Head of Legal Services Practice) to draft and issue the enforcement notice.

(iii) To delegate authority to the Director of Planning and Economic Development Head of Planning Services (after consultation with

the Head of Legal Services Practice) to exercise the Council’s powers to take further action in the event of noncompliance with the enforcement notice.



The Committee:


Unanimously resolved (by 7 votes to 0) to accept the officer recommendation to:


       i.          Authorise an enforcement notice under S172 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) alleging that there has been a breach of planning control within the last ten years, involving the breaches of conditions 2 & 3 of planning permission ref: 14/1143/FUL, specifying the steps to comply and the period for compliance set out in paragraphs 9.2 and 9.3 of the Officer’s report, for the reasons contained in paragraph 9.4.

     ii.          Authorise the Director of Planning and Economic Development (after consultation with the Head of Legal Practice) to draft and issue the enforcement notice.

   iii.          Delegate authority to the Director of Planning and Economic Development (after consultation with the Head of Legal Practice) to exercise the Council’s powers to take further action in the event of noncompliance with the enforcement notice.