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17/1252/FUL - 12 Orchard Estate

21/11/2017 - 17/1252/FUL - 12 Orchard Estate

The Committee received an application for full planning permission.


The application sought approval for a ground floor rear and side extension and change of use to form three flats.


Mr McKeown (Applicant’s Agent) addressed the Committee in support of the application.


Councillor Ashton (Cherry Hinton Ward Councillor) addressed the Committee about the application.


The representation covered the following issues:

       i.          Referred to paragraph 8.4 of the Officer’s report which set out Policy 5/2 of the Cambridge Local Plan (2006) stated the conversion of non-residential buildings into self-contained dwellings would be permitted; and exceptions to this.

     ii.          Suggested the development should not go ahead as it does not overcome 2 of the exception criteria:

a.    The likely impact upon on-street parking would be unacceptable. The County Council Highways Authority had concerns about this.

b.    The proposal would fail to provide for satisfactory refuse bin storage or cycle parking.

·       Details regarding arrangements for the above should be submitted before planning permission was granted.

   iii.          The report was unclear which flat got the sole parking space on-site.

   iv.          Referred to the refusal decision given against an application in Greville Road. It was pertinent to this application.


The Committee:


Resolved (4 votes to 4 – and on the Chair’s casting vote) to grant the application for planning permission in accordance with the officer recommendation, for the reasons set out in the officer report, and subject to the conditions recommended by the officers,

condition 11 to be re-worded as follows:


“The car parking space immediately adjacent to the living room window of flat no.1 of the development hereby permitted shall be used solely by the future occupants of flat no.1. The car parking space shall be retained for use by the future occupants of flat no.1 unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority.


Reason: To provide a high quality living environment for future occupiers (Cambridge Local Plan policies 3/4 and 5/2).”