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17/0898/FUL - 111 Grantchester Meadows

12/09/2017 - 17/0898/FUL - 111 Grantchester Meadows

The Committee received an application for full planning permission.


The application sought approval for a roof extension to the existing garage to incorporate the installation of solar panels on the southern roof slope.


The Senior Planner updated her report to say guttering and eaves were shown as overhanging a neighbouring property in the submitted plans. The plans had been updated just before committee to remove the overhang from Number 113.


The Committee received a representation in objection to the application from a local resident.


The representation covered the following issues:

       i.          A single storey garage was not an appropriate site for solar panels.

     ii.          Residents in the road objected to the proposed solar panels. They would be clearly visible.

   iii.          The design was out of character with the Conservation Area. Also with the rural setting of the general area.

   iv.          Expressed concern the design set a precedent for the city.

    v.          Current building used ‘historic’ themed materials, whereas the panels would look ‘modern’. This caused a mismatch.


Cllr Cantrill (Newnham Ward Councillor) addressed the Committee about the application.


The representation covered the following issues:

       i.          South Green Road was a rural setting.

     ii.          A single storey garage was not an appropriate site for solar panels:

a.    Impact on resident’s amenities.

b.    Loss of light.

c.    Impact on Conservation Area.

   iii.          A normal roof on the proposed garage would be acceptable, but re-iterated solar panels were not as they were out of character of the area with its rural setting.


The Committee:

Resolved (by 6 votes to 2) to reject the officer recommendation to approve the application.


Resolved (by 6 votes to 0) to defer the application to seek more information on materials to be brought back to committee.