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This item was Chaired by Councillor Mike
Matter for
The report provided an overview on the introduction of the Homelessness
Reduction Act.
The report also outlined the following:
· The financial support
available to local authorities to support the wider statutory responsibilities
created by the Act
· The anticipated additional
resource requirements for the Housing Advice Service and the rationale for
assessing these
· New initiatives that the
Council has, or is proposing to, put in place to support its new range of
statutory responsibilities
The Homelessness prevention grants programme for 2018-19
of Executive Councillor for Housing
Noted the new provisions within the Homelessness
Reduction Act and, in particular, the extended range of statutory homelessness
duties the Council is obliged to perform under the new Act.
Agreed, subject to any changes that may be made as
part of the budget setting process and the formal adoption of the 2018/19
budget by Council, to support a budget bid for additional staffing resources as
set out in paragraphs 3.19 to 3.23 of the Officer’s report.
Approved the proposals outlined in this report for expenditure from the
Flexible Homelessness Support Grant as outlined in paragraph 3.23 and that any
funds carried forward from this grant can be allocated under delegated
authority to the Head of Revenues and Benefits, in consultation with the
Executive Councillor for Housing.
Approved, subject to any changes that may be made
as part of the budget setting process and the formal adoption of the 2018/19
budget by Council, the proposed homelessness prevention grant funding
allocations as outlined in appendix 3 of the Officer’s report and agreed to
delegate authority for decisions around spending the unallocated funds of
£14,358 to the Head of Revenues and Benefits in consultation with the Executive
Councillor for Housing.
Delegated authority to the Head of Revenues and Benefits, in
consultation with the Executive Councillor for Housing, to determine
expenditure from the Government’s ‘new burdens’ funding allocation to this
local authority, once received later in the autumn.
Reason for the Decision
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
The Committee received a report from the Housing Advice Service Manager.
The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:
Sought clarification regarding the position of
existing service users.
Suggested that the six month safety net was not
long enough and would result in a revolving door of repeat applications.
The Housing Advice Service Manager said the
following in response to Members’ questions:
Those already in the system could continue under
existing rules or choose to withdraw and re-apply under the new system.
The provisions required applicants to engage with
the service.
Applicants were not limited regarding the number of
times they could apply but circumstances must have changed.
There would be many partnership options for
discharging the duty to assist.
Intentionality was not an issue in the initial
stages of the process. The pilot scheme had found that the higher levels of
support available had resulted in a much lower levels of finding of
A bid had been submitted to the General Fund for
additional staffing costs to cover six additional posts.
The Committee unanimously resolved to endorse the recommendations.
The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation.