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The Committee
received a report from the Team Manager (Commercial & Licensing).
The report advised the Licensing Act
2003 required a licensing authority to prepare and publish a statement of its licensing
policy at least every five years. The current Policy would expire on 24 October
2017, and without a revised statement of Licensing Policy, Cambridge City
Council would not be able to process any applications covered by the Licensing
Act 2003.
forthcoming changes to legislation meant the Cumulative Impact Policy would
soon have a statutory footing and would introduce a requirement on licensing
authorities to review the evidence on which Cumulative Impact Policies are
based at least every three years.
This would mean
that the requirement to review the Statement of Licensing Policy will remain at
five years, whilst the requirement to review the Cumulative Impact Policy would
become every three years.
It was proposed to
separate these two Policies as they would have differing statutory review
periods; five years for the Statement of Licensing Policy and three for the
Cumulative Impact Policy.
The Committee were advised that recommendation 2.1.2 included
a typographical error:
Approve that the amended Statement of
Licensing Policy attached to this report as Appendix F is to be adopted by full
Council on 19 October 2019 2017.
The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:
Supported retaining the CIA in its current form. It
controlled the number of establishments that sold alcohol, plus associated
anti-social behaviour.
Exceptions could be made (when deemed appropriate)
allowing establishments to sell alcohol in the CIA.
Queried why the representation from Cambridgeshire
Constabulary did not support a CIA for the whole of Mill Road.
Expressed concern that reducing the CIA would lead
to anti-social behaviour moving from one part of Mill Road to the non-CIA area
where it would be harder to tackle.
Recommended consulting on the CIA as the Police
were the only body who could request a CIA and they had put on public record
that they questioned the area it covered. The City Council had a legal duty to
now justify the CIA.
In response to Members’ questions the Team Manager (Commercial & Licensing) said the
If an application for a licence to sell alcohol in
the Cumulative Impact Area (CIA) was made during the consultation period,
Councillors would base their decision on the current policy. If the CIA
consultation led to a change to the CIA future decisions would have to be based
on this. Decisions made on speculation about the CIA consultation response
would be ultra vires and undefendable.
Referred to P77 and P133 of the Officer’s report.
The Police supported the CIA but queried if it was proportionate to cover the
length of Mill Road.
The Technical Officer said the Police and other
responsible authorities could request the set up or removal of a CIA. The
Police provided the main statistical evidence for one.
The Environmental Health Manager (Commercial)
said the Police would be invited to attend a Licensing Committee and respond to
queries after the CIA consultation period. The CIA could be reviewed at any
time. If some part was removed, a review could be held in future to see if it
should be re-instated.
The CIA consultation would likely occur November
2017 to January 2018, then a report would be brought
back to Licensing Committee in March 2018. Consultees would include east area
resident associations, schools, churches, traders and community meetings;
possibly all city area committees too.
The Committee:
Resolved (by 9
votes to 0) to:
Consider the results of the public consultation
exercise as summarised in Appendix D of the Officer’s report.
Approve that the amended Statement of Licensing
Policy (attached as Appendix F to the Officer’s report) be adopted by full
Council on 19 October 2017.
Agree for the proposed changes to the Cumulative
Impact Policy to be the subject of a further twelve week public consultation.
Request officers to return to Licensing Committee
with the outcome of the consultation.
Note the forthcoming changes in relation to the
review periods for the Statement of Licensing Policy and Cumulative Impact
Policy, and agree in principle to separating these two documents.
Due to the change
in agenda order, 17/77/Lic was taken after 17/78/Lic. Councillor McPherson was
not present as he had another engagement.