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Draft Land North of Cherry Hinton Supplementary Planning Document

07/09/2017 - Draft Land North of Cherry Hinton Supplementary Planning Document

Matter for Decision

The draft Cambridge Local Plan 2014: Proposed Submission (as amended) allocated Land North of Cherry Hinton for residential-led development under Policy 12: Cambridge East. The site extends into South Cambridgeshire and the draft South Cambridgeshire Local Plan, similarly allocated their part of the site for residential-led development under Policy SS/3: Cambridge East. The Councils, as the Local Planning Authorities, have been working in partnership with local stakeholders to prepare an SPD that looks at how this residential-led allocation can be delivered successfully. The work has been guided by input from local stakeholders, including residents groups, local Councillors and other interest groups, at a series of workshops. The SPD would help guide the development of the area and would provide greater certainty and detail to support delivery of the site.


The draft Land North of Cherry Hinton SPD was produced for public consultation. Detailed local and stakeholder consultation has taken place to help inform the drafting of the SPD.


An eight week public consultation was proposed to take place commencing in August 2017.


Decision of Executive Councillor for Planning Policy and Transport

       i.          Agreed agree the content of the draft Land North of Cherry Hinton SPD (Appendix A of the Officer’s report);

     ii.          Agreed that if any amendments are necessary, these should be agreed by the Executive Councillor in consultation with Chair and Spokes of Development Plan Scrutiny Sub Committee;

   iii.          Approved the draft SPD for public consultation to commence in August 2017;

   iv.          Approved the consultation arrangements as set out in paragraphs 3.9 to 3.11 of the Officer’s report and the proposed schedule of consultees in Appendix B.


Reason for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations

The Committee received a report from the Planning Policy & Economic Development Officer.


In response to the report Councillor Bick expressed disappointment that Cambridge East Area was being developed in segments instead of a site as a whole.


The Planning Policy & Economic Development Officer said the following in response to Members’ questions:

       i.          Policy 12 of the emerging Local Plan sought to replace CE8 and CE36 in the Cambridge East Area Action Plan.

     ii.          Land was being taken out of the green belt but development would not be allowed until the Local Plan was reviewed.

   iii.          It was recognised the land north of Cherry Hinton site would have to operate as a viable site with an airport next door to it. The constraints were recognised in the Supplementary Planning Document (see P63 & 91 in the Officer’s report). The starting point was the site was viable for development and assessments (eg noise) would be considered in the pre-application stage.

   iv.          South Cambridgeshire District Council Officers presented a report regarding site development to their portfolio 26 July, which was agreed without amendment. It was now up to the City Council to consider what it wanted to do with the site.

    v.          It was up to Marshall’s Airport if they wished to move the aircraft testing facility. This would be considered as part of a site viability assessment.


The New Neighbourhoods Development Manager said the following in response to Members’ questions:

       i.          Officer workshop sessions had taken place and more may do so in future.

     ii.          Further Cambridge East sites may come forward for development in future. Officers have been in discussions with the Developer regarding sites to come forward. It had been agreed with the Developer that plans would not be included in the Supplementary Planning Document until sites were ready to come forward.

   iii.          Feedback was being sought from Marshalls regarding further development of the site.

   iv.          Noise issues affecting the site had been taken on board. A detailed technical briefing would be given to councillors in early September regarding aircraft testing facility noise. A report was coming to JDCC in future regarding spine road noise. The County Council Transport Team were taking a report to Economy & Environment Committee in September, the City Council were awaiting the outcome from this. Further details would be included in the final Supplementary Planning Document.

    v.          40% of housing was expected to be affordable. The impact of the aircraft testing facility had been taken into account in the Wing Development viability study.

   vi.          A Public Transport Strategy was a key feature.

 vii.          The County Economy & Environment Committee would consider site in September. Further details would be available in the final Supplementary Planning Document.

viii.          Officers were discussing having a green landscape buffer along the site edge. Feedback from the public suggested that open views were desirable.

   ix.          Design coding should lead to a good design for the site.

    x.          There was an intention to put in a primary school to service the site.

   xi.          The route of footpaths would be considered in the pre-application process.


The Committee unanimously resolved to endorse the recommendations.


The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)

No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.