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Matter for
Capital projects
with a value of greater than £300,000 required Executive Councillor approval before further consideration for funding as part of
the Budget Setting Report (BSR).
This project
related to the Fleet replacements 2017/18.
The Capital
Programme Board have reviewed this project and consider it properly planned and
ready for implementation, subject to Executive Councillor and funding approval.
of Executive Councillor for Environmental Services
and City Centre
Approved the Fleet Replacements 2017/18
project, as detailed in the attached appendices, which has been properly
planned and ready for implementation.
Delegated to the Director of Commercial Services
to call-off and award a specific contract or specific contracts from
appropriate framework agreements of The Procurement Partnership Limited (TPPL),
Crown Commercial Service (CCS) or Eastern Shires Purchasing Organization (ESPO)
for the purchase of vehicles as set out in the Project Control Document.
Reason for the Decision
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
The Committee received a report from the Fleet Manager.
Councillor Bick made the following comments in response to the report:
The availability, functionality and cost of
vehicles would determine the choice of vehicle selected.
Agreed with the details of the report, but the
vehicle selection decision was of sufficient importance to require public
scrutiny. He proposed to make an amendment to the Officer’s recommendation
requiring this.
The Fleet Manager said the following
in response to Councillor Bick’s questions:
It was hard to get data on electric vehicles as
they were new to the market.
Changing the criteria would impact on the number of
vehicles required and so affect costs.
Joint procurement by the City Council and South
Cambridgeshire District Council would be undertaken between April 2017 and
March 2018. The City Council were interested in a mix of electric and
non-electric vehicles. SCDC were interested in non-electric vehicles.
The Executive Councillor for Environmental Services and City Centre
The number of electric vehicles in the fleet had
increased from 0 to 9 over the last 3 years.
The City Council was on the cusp of turning a
corner in comparison with other authorities as it proposed to implement
charging points.
Electric vehicles would be used where appropriate,
along with non-electric ones.
How many vehicles to use and where to generate
savings were under consideration.
Suggested that general details about vehicle
selection criteria and other background information could be brought to the
next committee (March proposed).
The fleet would be reviewed each year regarding
carrying capacity and running costs.
Councillors requested a change to the
recommendations. Councillor Bick formally proposed to
add the following recommendations from the Officer’s report:
· New (2): To request a
report via this committee, seeking the Executive Councillor’s approval of the
criteria against which vehicles will either be electric or otherwise, together
with a reasoned recommendation following the application of these criteria to
each of the vehicles to be replaced, such to occur prior to procurement taking
The additional recommendation was lost by 3
votes to 2.
The Committee unanimously resolved to endorse the recommendations.
The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor
(and any Dispensations Granted)
No conflicts of interest
were declared by the Executive Councillor.