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Matter for
At this stage in
the 2017/18 budget process the range of assumptions on which the Medium-Term Financial
Strategy (MTFS) was based needed to be reviewed, in light of the latest
information available, to determine whether any aspects of the strategy needed
to be revised. This then provided the basis for the budget considerations.
The Budget-Setting
Report (BSR) included the detailed revenue bids and savings and capital
proposals and set out the key parameters for the detailed recommendations and
budget finalisation being considered at this meeting. The BSR report reflected
The Executive’s final budget recommendations to Council, for consideration at
its meeting on 23 February 2017.
recommendations that follow refer to the strategy outlined in the BSR and all
references to Appendices, pages and sections related to the Budget-Setting
Report 2017/18 (Version 1 – Strategy & Resources) as reported to Strategy
& Resources Scrutiny Committee on 23 January 2017.
Decision of The Executive
The Executive unanimously resolved to recommend the
Budget Setting Report 2017/18 to Council on 23 February 2017, subject to any
amendments from the Strategy & Resources Scrutiny Committee meeting on 23
January 2017, namely:
General Fund Revenue Budgets: [Section 5, page 28 refers]
Agreed to recommend to Council:
· Revenue Pressures
shown in Appendix C (a) and Savings shown in Appendix C (b).
· Bids to be funded
from External or Earmarked Funds as shown in Appendix C (c).
· Non-Cash Limit
items as shown in Appendix C (d).
Recommended to Council formally confirming
delegation to the Chief Financial Officer (Head of Finance) of the calculation
and determination of the Council Tax taxbase
(including submission of the National Non-Domestic Rates Forecast Form, NNDR1,
for each financial year) which will be set out in Appendix B (a).
Recommended to Council the level of Council Tax for
2017/18 as set out in Section 4 [page 25 refers].
Other Revenue:
Recommended to Council delegation to the Head of
Finance authority to finalise changes related to any corporate and/or
departmental restructuring and any reallocation of support service and central
costs, in accordance with the CIPFA Service Reporting Code of Practice for
Local Authorities (SeRCOP).
Recommend to Council delegation to the Head of
Finance, as Section 151 Officer, to make the necessary detailed budgetary
adjustments in the GF, to reflect the impact of the triennial valuation of the
Cambridgeshire Local Government Pension Scheme.
Recommend to Council approval of a temporary
earmarked fund to be set up to accumulate surplus NHB contributions to meet the
requirement for funding of projects to mitigate the impacts in Cambridge of the
A14 upgrade – the “A14 Mitigation Fund” [page 25 refers].
Capital: [Section 7, page 33 refers] Capital Plan:
Recommend to Council the proposals outlined in
Appendix E (a) for inclusion in the Capital Plan, or put on the Projects Under Development List, including any additional use of
revenue resources required.
Recommend to Council the revised Capital Plan for
the General Fund as set out in Appendix E (d), the Funding as set out in
Section 7, page 36 and note the Projects Under
Development list set out in Appendix E (e).
General Fund Reserves:
Note the impact of revenue and capital budget
approvals and approve the resulting level of reserves to be used to support the
budget proposals as set out in the table [Section 8, page 38 refers].
Reason for the Decision
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
The Committee received a report from the Head of Finance. She updated
her report with an amendment sheet published on-line and tabled at committee.
This referred to:
New Homes Bonus.
Rough Sleeping Programme.
Section 25 Report (Robustness of Estimates and
Adequacy of Reserves).
The Executive was recommended to approve the amendments outlined above,
NHB and rough sleeping programme: amend the BSR for
the revised NHB and rough sleeping programme items.
Section 25 Report: insert the report into the BSR
as per the Executive - Section 25 Report.
Also to authorise the Section 151 officer to make
necessary changes to the Budget-Setting Report 2017/18, to be considered by
Council at the meeting on 23 February 2017, to reflect the impact of changes
for the above.
To note that further changes are expected before
Council, which will be notified and then incorporated into the BSR, in respect
· Council Tax Base
2017/18 and Council Tax Setting 2017/18 [Appendices B (a) and B (b), insert
after page 55], following notifications from precepting
· Any other minor
typographical amendments.
In response to Opposition Councillors’ questions officers said the
Head of Finance: The impact of the BSR was cost
neutral as money in/out balanced expenditure.
The Chief Executive undertook to send update to all
councillors after the meeting to supplement BSR details on how funding was
spent. The BSR set out headline information, but not a detailed breakdown on
funding spent.
Opposition Councillors questioned Executive Councillors regarding Budget
Setting Report information under their portfolios. Executive Councillors
answered as set out below.
Leader / Executive Councillor for Planning Policy and Transport
Funding was allocated to the A14 mitigation fund
so it was ready for use when required. This was expected to be 2019/20 onwards.
£1.5M of funding was pledged by the City
Council to the Department of Transport's localised A14 fund. Additional funding
would also be contributed to this fund by many other local authorities. However
the City Council would decide how it's
contribution would be spent.
A written agreement was in place between the
City Council and Department for Transport.
Car parking charge amendments were proposed to
encourage a change in demand to even out use/demand across all days of the week
(lower fees on low demand days and higher fees on peak demand days). It was
hoped a change to fees would also lead to a change in travel patterns and
encourage a modal shift from cars to public transport in respect of long stay
visitors to the city. The changes to charges should also maintain income levels
from car parks and pay for maintenance.
Councillor for Communities
The Sharing Prosperity Fund had a specific
purpose, (like the Climate Change Fund) to address inequality/poverty in the
Summarised the process on how funding was
allocated. Proposals were sent to the Project Board on a quarterly basis,
recommendations were then made to Councillor Johnson for approval.
Fund reports were made to Community Services in
June on an annual basis since he became Executive Councillor. These set out
project progress and future proposals for the Anti-Poverty Strategy.
Opposition Councillors could liaise with the
Executive Councillor on his reasons for decisions. He did not expect the fund
to change how it operated.
There had been no project bids for funding over
£75,000 so there was no need to bring any to committee for scrutiny.
The Head of Corporate Strategy added:
He had delegated authority to approve projects
up to £15,000 in value.
The Executive Councillor could approve projects
£15,000 - £75,000.
Projects over £75,000 would be brought to
scrutiny committee for approval.
Undertook to ask Officers to provide a report on
funding spent since 2014 by Councillor and Officer delegated authority
Councillor for Finance and Resources
No decisions have been made on mooring fees and
charges as the consultation was on-going.
PUD UD561 was on the budget with no figures
allocated as there were no proposals to deliver through it until the moorings
consultation was complete.
The Head of Finance added that £70,000 had
previously been allocated, but the money had been reallocated as there were no
plans in place to deliver through PUD UD561. The project was referenced in the
Officer’s report (Projects Under Development) as an
aide memoir to take action in future.
The Council apprentice scheme started with 6
apprentices in 2015. 2 have completed their apprenticeship (but not been taken
on by the Council) and 4 were on-going. There had been a low take up of
apprenticeships as the city had high employment. The Council would review the
situation in future as the national situation was changing with an
apprenticeship levy in April 2017. A paper would come to Strategy &
Resources Committee in March setting out future proposals.
The office accommodation strategy was a wide
ranging project. Mandela House was being refurbished to bring Hobson House and
Depot staff into one place. A building was also being leased on Cowley Road for 15 years. Unused lease could be sold by the
Council to generate income.
Executive Councillor for Environmental Services and City
A number of green space bins had been replaced
on a like for like basis since Labour took control of the council.
Responsibility for bins had been held by various Executive Councillors over
time and funding came from an amalgamation of sources.
The Head of Environmental Services
undertook to confirm with Councillors Roberts and Cantrill that all bins that
needed replacing in open areas were replaced on a like for like basis.
Savings generated from the shared waste service
came from changes to senior management and efficiency changes from the service
A performance review was underway in the Waste
Team. The Executive Councillor would also see the South Cambs internal audit
report (the City Council would not produce one).
Some bins had been missed in collections as a
result to changes to bin collection days/routes as a result of the shared
service. This was something like 1/10,000. There had been a material increase
in the service for residents.
There had been 3 peaks in complaints about the
waste service, but it was not always the City Council’s fault that bins had
been missed. Mitigation measures were put in place to compensate for missed
The Chief Executive added that the waste service received higher numbers of comments than other services. The Council had a proactive social media presence to notify residents about bin collection issues.