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Environmental and Cycling Improvements – Water Street & Fen Road

30/08/2016 - Environmental and Cycling Improvements – Water Street & Fen Road


Record of Executive Decision


Environmental and Cycling Improvements – Water Street & Fen Road, East chesterton


Decision of:

Councillor Blencowe, Executive Councillor for Planning Policy and Transport 



Date of decision:              


Recorded on: 


Decision Type:

Non Key Decision

Matter for Decision:


The Executive Councillor was requested to approve the City Council funding contributions towards environmental and cycling improvements – Water Street & Fen Road, East Chesterton as per the Capital Plan Provisions as follows:


PV007 –   39023 – xxxx – 79516         £30,000     Cycleways


Why the decision had to be made (and any alternative options):

Cambridgeshire County Council has allocated £235,000 to the project, from developer contributions and capital maintenance funding, with a further £20,000 provided by the City Council from North area environmental improvement funding. A further £30,000 has also been allocated from the joint cycleways programme, funded by both the City and County Council. The total funding for this scheme is therefore £285,000.


The Executive Councillor’s decision(s):

The Executive Councillor approved the City Council funding contributions as per the  Capital Plan Provisions as follows:


PV007 –   39023 – xxxx – 79516         £30,000     Cycleways


Reasons for the decision:

Cambridgeshire County Council is undertaking a project to improve the section of Water Street and Fen Road from the junction with Water Lane to the railway level crossing, by reallocating road, parking and footway space, introducing landscaped areas and replacing the speed cushions - utilising s106 Area Transport Corridor funding allocated via North Area Committee.  The City Council is supporting the work and contributing financially via its Environmental Improvement and Cycleways capital programmes.


Scrutiny consideration:

As this project was less that £75,000 and was included in the capital plan, no further scrutiny was required (Constitution Part 3, 9.3.3b).


A report detailing the background and financial considerations is attached.

Conflicts of interest:

No conflicts were declared



This project has further funding allocation of £20,000 from the North Area Committee Environmental Improvement Programme approved on 1st August 2013.