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Matter for
Members were asked to consider if they wished Officers
to seek consent to establish a new punt station for independent operators. Granta Mill Pond was considered to be the most suitable location
for a new punt station but some of the unlicensed Garret Hostel Lane operators
had suggested a smaller scale operation at Garret Hostel Lane. Any new punt
station would require planning, Conservator and Environment Agency approvals.
of the Leader
Council reviewed the topic of providing an extra punt station via the detail
included in the report and had considered factors such as the views of elected
members and local residents, as well as congestion and likely environmental and
planning issues.
The Council’s conclusion was that there was no currently
available identified site available on public land adjacent to the river that
is suitable for additional development.
Reason for the Decision
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
The Committee received a report from the Head of Property Services.
The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:
Commented that the ideas on the report would not
work and that it would not assist with the issues of touting.
The report appeared to indicate that individuals
had been offered a pitch at La Mimosa, questioned whether there was capacity at
La Mimosa and whether individuals had not taken up the pitches because of the
terms and conditions attached to the pitches.
Commented that as a Ward Councillor for Newnham he
strongly objected to a new punt station at Mill Pond and Laundress Green, this
was a special area in the City, was very close to a rural setting which
provided a uniqueness of character to the city centre.
The Head of Property Services said the following in response to Members’
The provision of a new punt station could be seen
as a pragmatic solution.
The Leader made the following comments:
The generation of the report was not in response
specifically to issues at Garret Hostel Lane, it was an overall review of sites
which were public land that might be available.
The consideration of the four sites included
discussions of Garrett Hostel Lane as it was a site that did not have
permission and operated 20 boats. The issue was the scale of the site. There
were discussions that needed to be had with the Conservators see p36 of the
agenda pack.
There was clear evidence on p36 and p37 of the
agenda pack that Garret Hostel Lane was not equipped for the type of operation
that was now there.
Laundress Green was not a commercial site and was
an important leisure area within the area.
Jesus Green by the Lock had been part of some
discussions but there were still challenges there.
A balanced judgement was required, there was a
significant operation at Granta Mill Pond and looking
at the capacity of the site it would not be suitable for a second punt station.
Referred to amended recommendations.
Councillor Sarris proposed amended
recommendations to substitute the recommendations contained within the report
as follows (new text underlined, deleted text struck through):
2.1 Members consider if they wish to pursue
establishing a new punt station for independent punt operators as set out in
this report; and if so
2.2 The preferred
location for a new punt station is agreed; and
2.3 Authority is delegated to the Head of
Property Services to approve expenditure connected with the new punt station,
agree and implement the appropriate application process for licensees and
complete the licences.
2.1 The Council has reviewed the topic of providing an extra punt
station via the detail included in the report and has considered factors such
as the views of elected members and local residents, as well as congestion and
likely environmental and planning issues.
2.2 The Council's conclusion is that there is no currently identified
site available on public land adjacent to the river that is suitable for
additional development.
On a show of hands this was agreed by 5 votes to 0.
The amended recommendation was therefore put to the vote:
2.1 The Council has reviewed the topic of providing an extra punt
station via the detail included in the report and has considered factors such
as the views of elected members and local residents, as well as congestion and
likely environmental and planning issues.
2.2 The Council's conclusion is that there is no currently identified
site available on public land adjacent to the river that is suitable for
additional development.
The Scrutiny Committee considered the amended recommendation and
endorsed them by 5 votes to 0.
The Leader approved the
Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)
No conflicts of interest
were declared by the Executive Councillor.
Matter for
Members were asked to consider if they wished Officers to seek consent
to establish a new punt station for independent operators. Granta
Mill Pond was considered to be the most suitable location for a new punt
station but some of the unlicensed Garret Hostel Lane operators had suggested a
smaller scale operation at Garret Hostel Lane. Any new punt station would
require planning, Conservator and Environment Agency approvals.
of the Leader
Council reviewed the topic of providing an extra punt station via the detail
included in the report and had considered factors such as the views of elected
members and local residents, as well as congestion and likely environmental and
planning issues.
The Council’s conclusion was that there was no currently
available identified site available on public land adjacent to the river that
is suitable for additional development.
Reason for the Decision
set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative
Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
The Committee
received a report from the Head of Property Services.
The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:
Commented that the ideas on the report would not
work and that it would not assist with the issues of touting.
The report appeared to indicate that individuals
had been offered a pitch at La Mimosa, questioned whether there was capacity at
La Mimosa and whether individuals had not taken up the pitches because of the
terms and conditions attached to the pitches.
Commented that as a Ward Councillor for Newnham he strongly objected to a new punt station at Mill
Pond and Laundress Green, this was a special area in the City, was very close
to a rural setting which provided a uniqueness of character to the city centre.
The Head of Property Services said the following in response to Members’
The provision of a new punt station could be seen
as a pragmatic solution.
The Leader made the following comments:
The generation of the report was not in response
specifically to issues at Garret Hostel Lane, it was an overall review of sites
which were public land that might be available.
The consideration of the four sites included
discussions of Garrett Hostel Lane as it was a site that did not have
permission and operated 20 boats. The issue was the scale of the site. There
were discussions that needed to be had with the Conservators see p36 of the
agenda pack.
There was clear evidence on p36 and p37 of the
agenda pack that Garret Hostel Lane was not equipped for the type of operation
that was now there.
Laundress Green was not a commercial site and was
an important leisure area within the area.
Jesus Green by the Lock had been part of some
discussions but there were still challenges there.
A balanced judgement was required, there was a
significant operation at Granta Mill Pond and looking
at the capacity of the site it would not be suitable for a second punt station.
Referred to amended recommendations.
Councillor Sarris proposed amended
recommendations to substitute the recommendations contained within the report
as follows (new text underlined, deleted text struck through):
2.1 Members consider if they wish to pursue
establishing a new punt station for independent punt operators as set out in
this report; and if so
2.2 The preferred
location for a new punt station is agreed; and
2.3 Authority is delegated to the Head of
Property Services to approve expenditure connected with the new punt station,
agree and implement the appropriate application process for licensees and
complete the licences.
2.1 The Council has reviewed the topic of providing an extra punt
station via the detail included in the report and has considered factors such
as the views of elected members and local residents, as well as congestion and
likely environmental and planning issues.
2.2 The Council's conclusion is that there is no currently identified
site available on public land adjacent to the river that is suitable for
additional development.
On a show of hands this was agreed by 5 votes to 0.
The amended recommendation was therefore put to the vote:
2.1 The Council has reviewed the topic of providing an extra punt
station via the detail included in the report and has considered factors such
as the views of elected members and local residents, as well as congestion and
likely environmental and planning issues.
2.2 The Council's conclusion is that there is no currently identified
site available on public land adjacent to the river that is suitable for
additional development.
The Scrutiny Committee considered the amended recommendation and
endorsed them by 5 votes to 0.
The Leader approved the
Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor
(and any Dispensations Granted)
No conflicts of interest
were declared by the Executive Councillor.