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The Committee
received a report from the Operations Manager – Cleansing.
The report
outlined an overview of City Council Refuse and Environment and Streets and
Open Spaces service activity relating to the geographical area served by the
West/Central Area Committee. The report identified the reactive and proactive
service actions undertaken in the previous quarter, including the requested
priority targets, and reported back on the recommended issues and associated
actions. It also included key officer contacts for the reporting of waste and
refuse and public realm issues.
The following were suggestions for Members on what action could be
considered for priority within the West/Central Area for the quarter of June to
August 2016:
Number |
Priority details |
1 |
Enforcement and
City Ranger patrols in the City Centre to address issues of illegally
deposited trade waste and littering. Justification:
Littering and illegal deposited waste if left un-investigated can cause
ongoing issues and encourage antisocial behaviour. This priority has been
included as a continuation to balance the high standard of trade waste
management and litter patrols already existing in the West/Central area and
to continue to build upon this work further. |
2 |
Proactive small
scale graffiti and flyposting removal by City Rangers and Operations Team
across the West/Central area. Justification:
Work already conducted by the City Rangers and Operations Team has been
positive and enhanced the areas where cleared. This recommendation is to
continue this work as a priority for all the rangers covering the
West/Central areas. |
3 |
Ownership and cleansing of Garrett Hostel
Lane ditches Justification:
Work to identify the ownership of Garrett Hostel Lane ditches is ongoing.
Work on maintaining the cleanliness of the ditches is ongoing and remains a
focus for the Operations team. |
4 |
Joint working
patrols to address the issues of fly tipping at public recycling points Justification:
Fly tipping at Lammas Land and Adam and Eve Street recycling centres account
for an increase in the fly tipping figures across the West area. Enforcement
and ranger work to focus on these areas will balance education and enforcement
to deter this problem. |
The Committee and members of the public raised the following points:
Reporting issues to City Rangers got a fast
The Street Cleaning Team responded quickly to
issues raised via social media.
Overflowing bins in Sussex Street.
Possible ward walk abouts in the autumn. Details to
be confirmed with Operations Manager – Community Engagement & Enforcement.
Action Point: Operations Manager – Community Engagement &
Enforcement / Cleansing to clarify timescale for painting Christ Pieces
The Operations Manager – Cleansing said the following in response to
questions from the Committee and members of the public:
Extra staff had been taken on to work in open
spaces over the summer.
Provision of bins in green spaces would be
reviewed. Temporary bins that were no longer required (eg Park Street/Jesus
Green) would be removed.
Following discussion, Members resolved nem con to approve priorities for action
as set out above.