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Issue - decisions

16/0286/S73 - 32 - 38 Station Road And Adjacent Land

27/06/2016 - 16/0286/S73 - 32 - 38 Station Road And Adjacent Land

The Committee received an application for full planning permission.


The application sought approval for Minor Material Amendment by variation of condition 2 attached to planning permission reference

15/0906/FUL to allow for removal of lower basement and retention of single basement to provide 79 car parking spaces and 384 cycle parking spaces, internal alterations, provision of refuse store and management suite and 248 cycle parking spaces at ground level and alterations to elevations, landscaping and roof plant.


The Committee received a representation in objection to the application from a local resident.


The representation covered the following issues:

     i.        As the area has evolved, the heritage of the area has been lost.

    ii.        Application offers an opportunity for members to reconsider the area as a whole.

   iii.        Office blocks should be in a more appropriate place.

  iv.        Preserve old Cambridge for the future.


Mike Derbyshire, applicant’s agent, addressed the Committee in support of the application.


The Committee:


Unanimously Resolved to grant the application for planning permission in accordance with the officer recommendation, for the reasons set out in the officer report, and subject to the conditions recommended by the officers.