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The committee received a report from the Independent
Remuneration Panel which contained recommendations following a review of the
current Members’ Allowances Scheme. The committee noted the total figure in the
table in paragraph 4.3 of the officer report should read £41,913
Councillor Robertson made the following points which
also proposed some amendments to the Independent Panel’s recommendations:
In recognition of the
onerous and time consuming nature of their work the extra responsibility paid
to members of the Licensing Committee should not be scrapped.
The council already
support councillors by providing new laptops when requested. This should continue to be the case but the
automatic issue of laptops or tablets is not agreed.
Claimable allowance such
as for travel, subsistence and carer are felt to be adequate but carers should
be paid at least the Living Wage.
The suggested provision
of a meal at the break at main Council meetings is not supported.
He also recommended to the Panel that the Oxford
City Council scheme sets a basic allowance and then adds Special Responsibility
Allowances as multiples of that. The
Panel is requested to consider for the second stage of their work that sort of
scheme as one possibility. The Committee
agreed and the Panel acknowledged this request.
The committee noted that by accepting not to scrap
the Licensing Committee special responsibility allowance the savings would be
reduced by £5,004 and the total would be £46,917.
to recommend
to Council:
To adopt the amended
interim recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel:
The Area Committee Allowance be removed
and the sum consolidated into the Basic Allowance.
(By 4 votes to 2) The Basic Allowance
be re-aligned to the National Living Wage and thereafter be indexed in line
with National Living Wage increases in order to rectify the anomalous situation
which has arisen through failing to index link Councillors' Allowances. By 1st
April 2016 the national minimum wage will have increased by 25.6% from £5.73 per
hour in 2008, (when current Allowance payments were last set) to £7.20 per
hour. The Basic Allowance should be increased by the same percentage to £4,300
with effect from the 2016/17 municipal year.
(By 4 votes to 2) This increase be
applied immediately, in full, since it will only bring the Basic Allowance
closer to, rather than on a par with, that paid to Members of comparable
Special Responsibility Allowances (SRAs)
As an interim measure, pending the
outcome of a more comprehensive review of SRA payments, that the Planning
Committee Chair’s SRA be increased by £1,000 to £3,226 pa to bring the
allowance payment for this role closer to that paid by comparable
authorities. That
other allowances for the Planning Committee (ie
for Vice-chair and Members) remain the same.
As an interim measure, that SRAs be
removed from Vice Chairs of all committees other than that of the Planning
Committee and that the SRAs to all members of committees (with the exception of
the Licensing, Planning and Joint Development Control Committees) be discontinued. This saving could be reallocated to part
fund the recommended changes to the Basic Allowance, the Planning Committee
Chair’s allowance or expenses.
With the exceptions outlined above, other
SRAs remain as they are for the present, and a further detailed review of SRAs
be conducted within 6 months when the impact of current developments in
Councillor roles and responsibilities is clearer. The objective of this review
will be to produce an internally consistent scheme for Basic and Special
Responsibility Allowances which will be appropriate to current Councillor roles and responsibilities.
As part of the move to increase
efficiency and reduce waste, IT support be enhanced for councillors. (The Panel
understand that there are IT support issues within the
Council which should be resolved). This
will produce efficiencies in the longer term. The council already
support councillors by providing new laptops when requested. This should continue to be the case but the
automatic issue of laptops or tablets is not agreed.
As the stationery expense is so out of
date the claim for stationery expense be removed and a
gross amount of £75 per councillor per annum be allowed in addition to the
Basic Allowance. This is to cover stationery, mobile phone and other
communication expenses.
Apart from the changes outlined above
travel, subsistence and carers' allowances remain the same but carers should be
paid at least the Living Wage.
That the next full review of the
Members’ Allowances Scheme should take place not more than two years from the
date of the Panel’s report.
2.2 That
Council approves the budgetary requirement for 2016/17 up to £46,917 from