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Use of Generic S106 Developer Contributions

29/07/2016 - Use of Generic S106 Developer Contributions

Matter for Decision

The Council makes decisions on how to use generic S106 developer contributions through annual S106 priority-setting rounds. There have been four rounds since 2012/13, with another planned for later in 2016/17. Many S106 priority projects have been completed, mitigating the impact of development and benefitting local communities.


Plans for a June 2016 update to the Executive Councillor for Communities have been highlighted in previous S106 reports to this Committee in October 2015 and March 2016 in order to:

a)   Take stock of progress on major sports and community facilities projects still under development which were allocated S106 funding in earlier S106 priority-setting rounds.

b)   Assess whether any further proposals for strategic/city-wide outdoor and indoor sports projects, submitted for the 2015/16 round, are ready to be considered yet.


In summary, it has taken longer than expected for S106 grant-based projects still under development to reach the business case appraisal stage. The council needs to impress the need for greater urgency and progress upon all grant applicants. Meanwhile, none of the outstanding 2015/16 strategic/city-wide sports project proposals are ready to be considered for S106 funding yet: those applicants would be welcome to apply again during the 2016/17 S106 priority setting round.


Decision of Executive Councillor for Communities

       i.          Instructed officers to notify the grant applicants for these long-standing S106 projects still under development that the current S106 funding allocations may be cancelled in early 2017 unless good progress (paragraph 4.7 of the Officer’s report refers) is made by the end of 2016. These projects are:

a)   Changing facility improvements at Cambridge Rugby Club.

b)   Visitor changing facility improvements at King’s College School (with access for other schools and clubs to King’s College School’s indoor and outdoor sports facilities).

c)    Improved community facilities at East Barnwell Community Centre.

d)   Community meeting room provision at Milton Road Library.

     ii.          Agreed to refocus the £250,000 S106 allocations for demolishing and rebuilding the Rouse Ball Pavilion so that the project could encompass proposals to develop new pavilion facilities within or next to Jesus Green Pool.

   iii.          Confirmed that no further proposals from the 2015/16 bidding round for strategic outdoor sports projects or city-wide indoor sports facilities will be recommended for funding: fresh applications can be considered as part of the 2016/17 S106 priority-setting round.

   iv.          Noted that several specific S106 contributions agreed prior to April 2015 have now been received and, as a result, the following projects are now on the council’s ‘projects under development’ (PUD) list:

a)   Community facility improvements at The Junction.

b)   Outdoor sports improvements at Chesterton Recreation Ground.

c)    Indoor sports facility improvements at Netherhall School.


Reason for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations

The Committee received a report from the Urban Growth Project Manager.


The Urban Growth Project Manager and Community, Sport & Recreation Manager said the following in response to Members’ questions:

       i.          The Rouse Ball Pavilion had not been used as changing rooms for sports for some years as the grounds were prone to flooding. The intention was to move pavilion facilities to Jesus Green Pool. Options for facilities and access for wider community use (eg a café area) were being considered. Community Services Scrutiny Committee would be kept informed as the proposals and preparations develop.

     ii.          The nature of the sports facilities (to be made available for club use through a grant for visitor changing facilities improvements at King’s College School) had changed. If the grant applicant was able to make good progress by the end of 2016, the issues (including the proposed community use agreement) would then be reported to the Scrutiny Committee and the West/Central Area Committee. It was expected that facilities would be hired by clubs rather than members of the public.

   iii.          Any unused s106 funding from the long-standing projects under development (eg if projects did not go ahead or use their full allocations) would go back into the appropriate (strategic/city-wide or devolved) S106 fund, so that it could be made available to other suitable projects. The two community facility projects mentioned in the report had been allocated devolved S106 funding by area committees, so (if the projects were not able to go ahead) these amounts would go back into their devolved S106 funds.


The Committee unanimously resolved to endorse the recommendations.


The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)

No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.