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NAC Policing & Safer Neighbourhoods

18/01/2017 - Policing & Safer Neighbourhoods

The Committee received a report from Sergeant Mišík regarding the policing and safer neighbourhoods trends.


The report outlined actions taken since the last reporting period. The current emerging issues/neighbourhood trends for each ward were also highlighted (see report for full details). Previous priorities and engagement activity noted in the report were:

       i.          Continue with Class A drug work – this underpins much criminality and also impacts on community safety.

     ii.          Monitor anti-social behaviour around Grumpy’s and the Fen Road area.


The Committee discussed the following policing issues:

       i.          Increased numbers of violent crime.

a.    Sergeant Mišík said there was a general increase in crime figure trends across the country due to a change in the way figures were recorded. There was no increase in hospital admissions as a result of the extra number of crimes recorded.

     ii.          Anti-social behaviour around Grumpy’s and the Fen Road area was a seasonal problem that the Police were asked to monitor when the weather improved.

   iii.          Installation of mobile speed camera in Ashfield Road.


Action Point: Anti-social behavior team to follow up with Police regarding installation of mobile speed camera in Ashfield Road.


   iv.          Cycle thefts in West Chesterton.


Action Point: Sergeant Mišík to clarify reasons for increase in cycle thefts in West Chesterton.


    v.          Online hate crime and difficulties in reporting it.


Action Point: Councillor O’Reilly to liaise with Police on a more user-friendly method of reporting online hate crime.


   vi.          Seasonal peaks and troughs in burglary figures.

 vii.          20MPH and 30MPH speed limits often broken.

a.    Sergeant Mišík referred to Association of Chief Police Officers guidance that stated that enforcement should be proportional to speed. The police were focussing on education rather than enforcement of 20MPH at present.


Members of the public raised the following policing issues:

       i.          Anti-social behaviour by cyclists:

a.    Riding at night without lights.

b.    Riding on the pavement.

     ii.          Dangerous driving on Nuffield Road, Fen Road, Green End Road and Chesterton High Street.

a.    Speeding.

b.    Drivers losing control of vehicles.

c.    Cars not allowing space for cyclists on road.

·  Councillor Manning expected a protected cycleway to be implemented on Fen Road through the City Deal.

   iii.          Requested more detailed figures/information regarding violent crime in future police reports to NAC as per West/Central Area Committee.

a.    Sergeant Mišík suggested at the last WCAC that the new format would be rolled out to all area committees.


Action Point: Councillor Todd-Jones to follow up with Police Mr Taylor’s request for breakdown of assault figures in police area committee report as they committed to do for West Area.


   iv.          Drug dealing in the Bermuda Flats area.


Action Point: Councillor Todd-Jones to follow up with Police and residents’ regarding drug dealing in the Bermuda Flats area.


NAC requested additions to the Police priorities. Councillor Todd-Jones formally proposed to add the following:


Added Police Recommendation

-        Tackling anti-social behaviour in the Darwin Drive / Akeman Street area.


Add Further Recommendations

-        Addressing speeding/dangerous driving on Fen Road.

-        Tackling anti-social cycling on pavements.


The change to priorities was agreed by 10 votes to 0.


The following priorities were agreed by 10 votes to 0:

-        Tackling anti-social behaviour in the Darwin Drive / Akeman Street area.

-        Addressing speeding/dangerous driving on Fen Road.

-        Tackling anti-social cycling on pavements.