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Committee received an application for full planning permission. The application
had been reported to the 6 January 2016 Planning Committee with an officer
recommendation of approval. During the consideration of the application,
Members of the Committee raised a number of concerns about the proposal. The
Committee voted not to accept the officer recommendation of approval and a
decision on whether to approve or refuse the application was subsequently
deferred because the Adjourned Decision Protocol (ADP) was triggered.
The application sought approval for
demolition of existing buildings and erection of a mixed used development
comprising 84 dwellings, circa 152m2 A1-A3 commercial space, and associated
access, car and cycle parking, and public realm enhancement.
The Committee received the additional
information regarding viability as requested at the previous meeting. The
additional documentation was noted.
Andrew Jones outlined the position regarding viability.
The Islington Case demonstrated that land values
should reflect the tone of values in the area under discussion.
There were questions around the extent to which
planning obligations reflected land values.
Guidance was not straight forward.
Applicants must ensure that land values were not
over bid as an argument for reducing social housing numbers.
The hierarchy of policies on affordability puts
profits before affordable housing requirements.
The Committee discussion is summarised as
satisfaction that the concerns regarding the finish to the block containing
social housing had been addressed. The alternative finish proposed and
corresponding planning conditions were considered acceptable.
that the proposed balconies were generous and noted that there was no policy in
place offering guidance on this matter.
that the proposed road would improve connectivity for cyclists. However, it was
regrettable that no funding was available to improve the junctions at either
end. Officers confirmed that this was a County Council responsibility.
that a challenge on viability grounds was unlikely to succeed.
that a refusal on height grounds of Block G could be supported.
the concerns around the height of this block as it would be:
Out of
keeping with the area;
not deliver the bookend buildings envisaged by the Eastern Gate SPD.
dominate the area in both mass and height.
not enhance an already dreary streetscape.
the parking and highway issues as follows:
clarification regarding the bollarded entrance points to a road that would be
adopted as public highway.
that parking would be difficult to control.
that this was not grounds for refusal of the application.
the possibility of using emerging policy regarding amenity and usable space.
The Committee considered
recommendation 2
2: To REFUSE the
application for any or all of the issues as set out above and highlighted in the
table below. In considering refusal reasons, members should be mindful of the
officer advice and the potential for a costs award against the Council should
the decision be subject to a planning appeal. If minded to pursue issues 1, 2,
4, 5 or 6 as refusal reasons, members should be clear exactly which policies
the proposed development would be contrary to and the harm that would arise.
On a show of hands (3 votes to 3 – and on the Chair’s casting
vote) this recommendation
was lost.
The Committee:
Resolved (3 votes to 3 – and on the Chair’s casting vote to approve the application in light of the further advice and the
additional/amended conditions recommended plus those set out in the original
officer report and amendment sheet, together with a S106 agreement (including a
claw-back clause) as below:
conditions as recommended as part of the 6 January 2016 Planning Committee
· revised conditions 32 and 34 as set out on the amendment sheet to the 6 January 2016 Planning Committee.
· an additional condition (18) as set out at paragraph 0.8 of the 3 February 2016 Committee report regarding the treatment of Block H.
· revised condition 14 as set out at paragraph 0.51 of the 3 February 2016 Committee report regarding renewable energy technologies.
S106 agreement, including a claw-back clause, for terms as set out in the 6
January 2016 Planning Committee Report.