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S106 priority-setting round: follow-up

05/05/2016 - S106 priority-setting round: follow-up

The Committee received a report from the Urban Growth Project Manager exploring options for improving outdoor sports facilities in the West/Central Area using devolved S106 funding.


Discussions with local City and County Councillors since the Area Committee’s meeting in December 2015 had helped to gauge views on a range of possible proposals. This also highlighted scope to:


a.      choose from a couple of local project proposals deliverable in          the shorter-term, which would help to make timely use of a       S106 contribution with an ‘expiry date’ in late 2017; and

b.      keep some devolved outdoor sports S106 funding available until     later (ie, not allocating it all  now), in order to give time for other           possible, longer-term options to become clearer/more available.


As a separate issue, since the prioritisation of a local play area project in December, an alternative use of time-limited S106 play contributions from Castle ward had been suggested.


Comments from the Committee:


i.      There was a case for keeping some of the devolved S106 funding in reserve as S106 funding was tapering off and running down.

ii.     Would favour a more modest scheme on Histon Road Recreation Ground, an area which was used by children from Castle ward and Arbury ward, rather than further improvements to the Shelly Row play area.

iii.    If S106 money was not spent, it would need to be given back to the developer and this risk should be avoided. Funding which had a time limit to be spent should be prioritised.

iv.    Agreed there was a need to take forward both the recommended outdoor sports proposals.

v.     Asked the Officer to clarify if there was scope on Histon Road Recreation Ground for a large piece of play equipment which would not be negated by accepting the recommendation in the report.

vi.    Enquired if it was possible to undertake a smaller project of works on the Christ’s Pieces tennis courts.

vii.   Queried if it was possible to undertake work on the Lamas Land paddling pool to stop vandalism.

The Urban Growth Project Manager made the following statements:


i.          The two outdoor sports projects recommended in the report was for the use of the time-limited, devolved outdoor sports S106 funding (due to expire in November 2017).  This was a separate issue from the time-limited, devolved play area S106 funding from Castle ward which had a May 2017 expiry date.

ii.         Reiterated that it would be possible to take forward both recommendations to upgrade the football area at Histon Road Recreation Ground and the tennis courts at Christ’s Pieces. However there would be very little devolved outdoor sports S106 funding left for the future.

iii.        Officers proposed still to consult on the proposed improvement to Shelly Row play area (which the Area Committee last December had agreed as one of its S106 priorities), but in the light of feedback from local ward councillors, were also minded to consult at the same time on the possibility of improving the play area at Histon Road Recreation Ground as well or instead.

iv.        Had investigated the option to undertake a smaller project of works on the Christ’s Pieces tennis courts but concluded that only upgrading two of the four courts would appear odd.

v.        It was questionable whether improvements to Lammas Land padding pool would be an eligible use of outdoor sports S106 funding. Firstly, it was not clear that this was the appropriate contribution type for a play area facility. Secondly, the main purpose of S106 funding was to mitigate the impact of local development: it cannot be used for repairs and maintenance.


The Committee:


Resolved unanimously to


A)      Prioritise both of the following proposals for the use of devolved outdoor sports S106 contributions, subject to project appraisal and further local consultation

i.        Up to £25,000 for an improved and more hard-wearing   football area at Histon Road Recreation Ground.

ii.       Up to £90,000 for upgrading the existing tennis courts at Christ’s Pieces, including a non-slip surface and improved court access.

B)      To widen the consultation on the prioritised Shelly Row play    area improvement project to include options for improving           Histon Road Recreation Ground play area as well or instead.