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Policing & Safer Neighbourhoods - EAC 28 Jan 2016

30/03/2016 - Policing & Safer Neighbourhoods - EAC 28 Jan 2016

The Committee received a report from Sergeant Colin Norden regarding the policing and safer neighbourhoods’ trends.


The report outlined actions taken since the Committee on 2 July 2015. The current emerging issues/neighbourhood trends for each ward were also highlighted (see report for full details).


Previous priorities and engagement activity noted in the report were:

i.             Continue with the work against the supply of Class A drugs and the presence of persons linked to organised crime groups from the London area

ii.            Continue to target street drinking and alcohol based anti-social behaviour (ASB) in the Petersfield and Mill Road areas.

iii.           Continue to address road safety matters such as vehicle speeding and anti-social cycling.


Members of the public asked a number of questions, as set out below.


1.              Ms De Beaux endorsed the Police in trying to encourage lights on bicycles but questioned whether the failure to use lights was anti-social and if that description was appropriate.  The definition of anti-social behaviour was on the Cambridgeshire Police’s website and it did not appear to fall within the definition.


Ms De Beaux raised the issue of driver behaviour at the Mill Road bridge and how as a cyclist she had felt unsafe cycling in this area and had been involved in cycling incidents.  She also stated that it appeared that the Police did not take any action.  She had reported incidents to the Police but had been told that no action could be taken unless a Police Officer witnessed the incident.


Sergeant Norden asked if Ms De Beaux had reported any cycling offences to the Police as the Police could only become involved if an offence was reported to them.


Sergeant Norden stated that he could not comment on Ms De Beaux’s case as he had not personally been involved.  He confirmed that Cambridgeshire Police had prosecuted offences based on evidence from a head camera and had also prosecuted spitting offences having used swabs that had been taken as evidence.  A case could not be taken to Court without evidence, the more evidence the better. As a Sergeant he took the decision whether to send a case for prosecution. He commended Ms De Beaux for reporting the incidents that she had been involved with.


Sergeant Norden agreed to spend a day at Mill Road Bridge monitoring driving and cycling by the end of February 2016.


2.              Mr Gawthrop endorsed the comments made by Ms De Beaux about the Mill Road Bridge.  He had seen reports in the paper about incidents and had seen a previous Councillor involved in an accident there. 


Mr Gawthrop enquired whether the play area behind the bath house could be included in the Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) once improvement works had been undertaken.


Sergeant Norden stated that if there was anti-social behaviour in the bath house area to let him know, further patrols could be organised.


3.              Mr Carpen raised an issue about adapted engines which made a loud noise and made it difficult to sleep.


Sergeant Norden stated that if the cars were seen by the Police then they would usually be pulled over.  He asked that if there was a particular time that these issues arose to let him know.


The Committee discussed the following policing issues:

i.             In order to introduce a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) there had to be evidence of anti-social behaviour. Therefore in relation to the Bath House a PSPO could not be applied for until there was evidence of anti-social behaviour.

ii.            Welcomed the Police’s agreement to spend a day monitoring the Mill Road Bridge.

iii.           Queried with Officer’s at the County Council whether the signage at the Mill Road Bridge was adequate, Officers stated that it was adequate but that it would be re-looked at.

iv.          When the recommendations were considered would request that speeding was continued as a priority because of the introduction of the 20mph speed limit.

v.           Questioned the Police about an upsurge of graffiti, the Police confirmed that there were individuals who sprayed tags and if they could catch the individuals then they would do.  

vi.          Queried whether there could be a speed camera on Coleridge Road


ACTION: Cllr Walsh to arrange briefing note on Traffic Regulation Orders.


Resolved (unanimously) to agree the following priorities:


i.        Continue to target the supply of controlled drugs.

ii.       Continue to target street based ASB in and around Mill Road area.

iii       Retain speed checks.