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15/1111/FUL - Land at 58 Fishers Lane

29/10/2015 - 15/1111/FUL - Land at 58 Fishers Lane

The Committee received an application for full planning permission.


The application sought approval for a proposed erection of eight new dwellings with eight parking spaces and cycle storage (resubmission of application 14/2027/FUL).


The City Development Manager proposed two amendments to the Officer’s recommendation:

       i.          A new condition to control contractor hours.

     ii.          To amend condition 21.


Councillor Ashton (Cherry Hinton Ward Councillor) addressed the Committee about the application.


The representation covered the following issues:

       i.          Referred to the committee discussion and representations in objection to the last iteration of the application.

     ii.          Traffic concerns still existed. Queried mitigation measures to be implemented to improve traffic flow on-site.

   iii.          This application was an overdevelopment of the site.


Councillor Blencowe proposed an amendment to the Officer’s recommendation that allocated car parking be included as a condition.


This amendment was carried unanimously.


Councillor Smart proposed an amendment to the Officer’s recommendation to include a car club informative.


This amendment was carried unanimously.


The Committee:


Resolved (by 5 votes to 2) to grant the application for planning permission in accordance with the officer recommendation, for the reasons set out in the officer report, and subject to completion of a section 106 Agreement, plus conditions recommended by the officers, including the following additional/amended conditions:


25. No construction work or demolition work shall be carried out or plant operated other than between the following hours: 0800 hours and 1800 hours on Monday to Friday, 0800 hours and 1300 hours on Saturday and at no time on Sundays, Bank or Public Holidays.


Reason: To protect the amenity of the adjoining properties. (Cambridge Local Plan 2006 policy 4/13)


26. Prior to commencement of occupation of the development, details shall be submitted of the allocation of car parking spaces to individual dwellings within the development.  Such arrangements shall ensure that the car parking spaces adjacent to plots 5 to 8 are allocated so that the space in front of each dwelling is allocated for the sole use of the occupants of that dwelling.  Thereafter car parking shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: In the interest of the residential amenity of residents of the development (Cambridge Local Plan policy 3/12)


Replacement for condition 21:

Prior to the commencement of the development hereby approved (including any pre-construction, enabling works or piling), the applicant shall submit a report in writing, regarding the construction noise and vibration impact associated with this development, for approval by the local authority.  The report shall be in accordance with the provisions of BS 5228:2009 Code of Practice for noise and vibration control on construction and open sites and include full details of any piling and mitigation measures to be taken to protect local residents from noise and or vibration. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

Due to the proximity of this site to existing residential premises and other noise sensitive premises, impact pile driving is not recommended.


Reason: To protect the amenity of nearby properties (Cambridge Local Plan 2006 policy 4/13)


Considerate Contractors informative:


New development can sometimes cause inconvenience, disturbance and disruption to local residents, businesses and passers by. As a result the City Council runs a Considerate Contractor Scheme aimed at promoting high standards of care during construction. The City Council encourages the developer of the site, through its building contractor, to join the scheme and agree to comply with the model Code of Good Practice, in the interests of good neighbourliness. Information about the scheme can be obtained from The Considerate Contractor Project Officer in the Planning Department (Tel: 01223 457121).


Car Club informative:


The applicant is encouraged to ensure all future tenants/occupiers of the flats are aware of the existing local car club service and location of the nearest space.