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Ridgeon's Cromwell Road Draft Planning and Development Brief SPD

24/12/2015 - Ridgeon's Cromwell Road Draft Planning and Development Brief SPD

The Committee received a report from the Urban Design and Conservation Manager regarding the Ridgeon’s Cromwell Road Draft Planning and Development Brief Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).  The guide had been produced to help guide the redevelopment of the site for housing.


The Committee discussed the following issues:

i.             Expressed concern at the impact of 245 homes on education and health provision.  A review had been undertaken by the County Council on education provision in 2010 which stated that there was sufficient provision however in Romsey ward though there was an issue with early year’s provision.

ii.            Questioned why a public drop-in session had not been undertaken near to Romsey ward.

iii.           The Chisholm Trail skirted the bottom of the development and questioned why cycle provision was limited.

iv.          Questioned whether the cycle path could follow the railway line.   


In response to Members’ questions the Urban Design and Conservation Manager answered:

          i.             Early year’s provision and community space provision could be secured through the outline planning application.

         ii.             Confirmed that a public drop-in session on the proposed development could be held.

       iii.             There were no dedicated cycle routes through the development but this could be considered with the County Council.

       iv.             Confirmed that as the development was already close to the railway line there may not be sufficient room for a cycle path at this position.


Resolved (unanimously):


       i.                To note and receive the report for information.