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251 Residential units and A1 to A3 uses at Parcel 8A and 8B, Clay Farm, Trumpington

09/10/2015 - 15/0844/REM - 251 Residential units and A1 to A3 uses at Parcel 8A and 8B, Clay Farm, Trumpington

Councillor Blencowe assumed the Chair for the rest of the meeting.


The Committee received a reserved matters application (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to outline planning permission 07/0620/OUT for the development of 251 mixed tenure dwellings, which included 40% affordable housing, 967 metres squared of retail floor space, public open space, drainage and associated infrastructure.


Mr Gimblett (Applicant) addressed the Committee in support of the application.


The Committee made the following comments in response to the report.

i.             Pleased that the development had maintained the provision of 40% affordable housing.  It was noted that one parcel on this Committee agenda provided slightly over and one parcel provided slightly under the 40% provision.

ii.            With regards to the tenure split, it was noted that an affordable housing provider had not been selected, it was queried what would happen if the provider could not carry out the agreed plans.

iii.           Clarification sought as to management of implications of the proposed development for badgers.

iv.          Expressed safety concerns regarding the footpaths and queried the provision of parking.

v.           Queried the provision of cycle parking for non-standard bicycles.

vi.          Queried the opening times of the convenience store.


In response to Members’ questions the Principal Planner and New Neighbourhoods Development Manager said the following:

i.             This parcel of land was specifically excluded from the Cambridge Challenge affordable housing agreement.  Condition 20 provided that the scheme had to be carried out in accordance with the agreed tenure plan.  If this could not be delivered then the Applicant would have to submit a s73 application with evidence to support a departure from this.

ii.            There was a planning condition which dealt with the badger issue.

iii.           Would want to retain the Paget Close footpath link and discussions had been held as part of the construction and environmental management plan.  If a footpath diversion application was made, officer would try to retain the link.

iv.          Visitor parking was limited on these two parcels.  Parking had to be considered in the round, additional spaces had been provided on the spine road and at Hobson Square but the overall number of visitor parking spaces were limited by the original outline planning permission.  Enhancements to bus services would be provided through funding secured through the various Southern Fringe development s106 agreements.  The County Council Passenger Transport Team were considering the timings for these to be provided and what form these should take. 

v.           The Cycling Officer had accepted the cycle parking provision, further spaces may be found around the podium and car parking areas. 

vi.          The applicant had proposed the opening time of the convenience store and the Environmental Health Officer  had assessed the noise assessment on the proposed times.  Expressed caution as residents were not in situ on this site yet, however if the applicant wanted to vary the opening time of the convenience store then they could submit an application to vary the condition  at a later date, with further supporting information.


The Committee:


Resolved (unanimously – SCDC Councillors did not vote) to grant the application for reserved matters approval in accordance with the officer recommendation, for the reasons set out in the report and subject to the conditions recommended by the officer.   An informative was to be included to advise the applicant to consider the requirements of future occupiers for cycle parking space for non-standard cycle types and cycle trailer parking.