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EN/337/14 - 213 Huntingdon Road

25/09/2015 - EN/337/14 - 213 Huntingdon Road

On 1 July 2015 Planning Committee authorised the service of an enforcement notice for breach of condition 4 of 10/0691/FUL relating to the separate use of the annex at 213 Huntingdon Road.


Since Members authorised the notice, further legal advice was received indicating that the breach of a planning condition relating to the separate residential use of the annex is not subject to the usual ten year immunity rule for breach of conditions, but would become immune from enforcement action after four years in line with the immunity period for residential dwellings.


The Committee were recommended to:

·       Note the four year immunity rule applies in relation to this breach of condition relating to separate residential occupation.

·       Confirm their authorisation to draft and serve the enforcement notice (referred to in the report from 1 July 2015).

·       Approve the alteration in the wording of the reasons for issue of the notice to refer to four years instead of ten years.


The Committee:


Unanimously resolved (7 votes to 0) to accept the officer recommendation to confirm authorisation of the drafting and service of an enforcement notice (as set out in the Planning Committee Report of the 1 July 2015) and approve the alteration in the wording of the reasons for issue of the notice to refer to four years instead of ten years.