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S106 Priority-Setting: West/Central Area Project Proposals

25/02/2016 - S106 Priority-Setting: West/Central Area Project Proposals

The Committee received a report from the Urban Growth Project Manager regarding the local project proposals received during the S106 bidding round between June to August 2015. Proposals were invited for projects that could help mitigate the impact of development in Cambridge through funding from generic, off-site developer contributions.


Comments from the public:


     i.        Queried if the reinforcing of the grass edges to paths across Parker’s Piece would be successful long term; this was a large amount of expenditure (up to £75,000) for this project.


Comments from the Committee:


     i.        Requested if an update could be given on the Histon Road public art project.

    ii.        Highlighted the success of St Augustine’s Community Centre and the installation of a new kitchen at St Mark’s funded by S106 devolved funding, which had helped to increase usage of both buildings.

   iii.        Noted how successful the installation of the solar studs on Lammas Land had been for a small amount of S106 funding.

  iv.        Suggested a trim trail on Grantchester Road as part of the devolved outdoor sports contribution which would be considered at the next West Central Area Committee.

   v.        Noted the proposals for the hockey pitches at the University of Cambridge Sports Ground on Wilberforce Road would be reported to the Community Services Scrutiny Committee in March 2016 and questioned if planning permission was required before S106 could be requested.

  vi.        Expressed disappointment there had been no discussion with Ward Councillors regarding the possible work on Parker’s Piece due to the possibility of additional street furniture, ie the new fences/fenceline extensions on the land.

 vii.        Enquired why cycling safety on Storey’s Way had not been included in the report.

viii.        Asked why Shelley Row play area had been included in the recommendations.




In response to comments from the public and the Committee the Urban Growth Project Manager responded with the following:


     i.        Page 22 of the agenda pack, appendix B, referred to the Histon Road public art project with installation expected in Winter 2015/16 (ie, between December 2015-February 2016).

    ii.        Paths on Parker’s Piece would be re-layed by the County Council, with a new drainage system being introduced which had proved successful on Midsummer Common.

   iii.        Projects could be put forward for S106 funding before any planning permission needed was secured. Officers would expect the issue of planning permission to be addressed at the project appraisal stage (so S106 funding could not be confirmed and the appraisal would not be approved unless the necessary planning permission had been secured.

  iv.        With regards to the proposal to reinforce the grass edges to paths across Parker’s Piece, Councillors had not been consulted yet as this was currently a proposal, which was being reported to the Area Committee for consideration.  If the Area Committee wished to select the proposal as one of its S106 local project priorities, there would be further opportunities for consultation as part of the project appraisal process.

   v.        The cycling safety project on Storey’s Way had been considered by the Community Services Scrutiny Committee in October 2015, but was not prioritised by the Executive Councillor.  There were no S106 public realm contributions from the West Central Area. This was a highways issue and officers had drawn the proposal to the attention of colleagues at Cambridgeshire County Council.

  vi.        Improvements to Shelley Row play area had been recommended to make use of S106 play area contributions from Castle ward before a May 2017 expiry date. The council’s recent play area audit had shown that, whilst the play area had scored highly (74%) for its location, its play value rating (37%) was low. In comparison, Histon Road Recreation Ground already had a high play value of 91%.


The Committee:


Resolved unanimously agreed to:


     i.        Prioritise the following local project proposals for the use of devolved S106 contributions from the West/Central Area, subject to project appraisal and community use agreement (where appropriate):


a.  up to £45,000 outdoor sports S106 funding for an upgraded tennis court on Lammas Land;

b.  up to £1,500 informal open space S106 funding for a bench on the green at Warwick Road, subject to  Cambridgeshire County Council consent;

c.  up to £1,500 informal open space S106 funding for a bench next to Coton footpath (near its junction with Wilberforce Road), subject to land-owner consent;

d.  up to £75,000 informal open space S106 funding for reinforcing grass edges to paths across Parker’s Piece;

e.  £35,000 play area S106 funding and up to £15,000 informal open space S106 funding for improvements to Shelley Row play area;

f.   £10,000 play area S106 funding and up to £5,000 informal open space S106 funding for added play equipment, benches and landscaping at Christ’s Pieces play area.


    ii.        Consider a follow-up report to the West/Central Area Committee in February 2016, setting out proposals to enable any outstanding devolved S106 contributions with expiry dates in 2017 to be used on time.


Committee Managers Note: County Councillors Nethsingha and Cearns did not take part in the vote.