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S106 Priority-Setting: Sports and Community Facilities Strategic Projects

12/11/2015 - S106 Priority-Setting: Sports and Community Facilities Strategic Projects

Matter for Decision

Between June – August 2015, the Council ran its latest S106 bidding round. It invited proposals and grant applications for projects which could help to mitigate the impact of development in Cambridge through funding from generic, off-site developer contributions.


Around 65 bids had been received in this latest bidding round. Of these, 11 related to proposals that need to be considered by the Executive Councillor.


All proposals received had been assessed against the council’s criteria for the use of off-site S106 developer contributions. Of the 11 strategic/city-wide proposals featured in the report, 3 are eligible for S106 funding, feasible and ready to be considered in October.


In addition to these 3 proposals, it is envisaged that between 3 and 6 others could be considered in a follow-up report to Community Services Scrutiny Committee in early 2016 in light of updated evidence base information about community and sports facilities in Cambridge.


Decision of Executive Councillor for Communities

       i.          Prioritised the following proposals for strategic/city-wide S106 funding, subject to project appraisal and community use agreement:

a.    A grant of up to £100,000 to the Greek Orthodox Community of St Athanasios for the refurbishment of the Memorial Hall and large church hall on Cherry Hinton Road as a community facility – this was also conditional on the further £50,000 requested being allocated from the South and East area committees.

b.    A grant of up to £75,000 to Cambridge Gymnastics Academy for a sunken trampoline & foam pit in the gym which was being developed on the North Cambridge Academy site.

c.    £40,000 grant to the Kelsey Kerridge Sports Hall Trust to improve and extend the Outlooks Gym changing rooms and to develop a new health suite at the Kelsey Kerridge Sports Centre.

     ii.          Requested a follow-up report to this Committee in early 2016, with recommendations for further S106 priority-setting within the current round in the light of updated audits of sports and community facilities in Cambridge.

   iii.          Requested a monitoring report to this Committee in June 2016 to review the progress of some key sports and community facilities projects allocated S106-funding in previous priority-setting rounds, which were currently still under development.


Reason for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations

The Committee received a report from the Urban Growth Project Manager.


In response to Members’ questions the Head of Communities, Arts and Recreation said the following:

       i.          Funding could be applied for by community facilities projects in schools as well as other venues.

     ii.          When projects were considered for s106 funding, the hours of availability for community use were among a number of factors taken into consideration when deciding if funding could be allocated.


The Committee unanimously resolved to endorse the recommendations.


The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)

No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.