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Cambridge Air Quality Action Plan - 2015 to 2025

22/05/2015 - Cambridge Air Quality Action Plan - 2015 to 2025

Matter for Decision

The Officer’s report described the current air quality in Cambridge, briefly summarised recent activity to reduce the levels of airborne pollution and set out the pathway and ambition for the next ten years, through a revised Air Quality Action Plan (Appendix A). The Plan contributes to the Corporate Objectives, the Local Transport Plan and contributes to the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment on public health. It will be aligned with the City Deal.


There is a statutory requirement for both the City and the County Councils to work towards reducing levels of air pollution under the Local Air Quality Management regime (Environment Act, 1995, Part IV).


Most air pollution in Cambridge is caused by traffic, therefore the Plan is focussed on this, but does include other measures that can be taken to effect a positive change. Air quality will remain under pressure because of growth in and around Cambridge as more people and jobs come to the area. Future improvement is dependent on accelerating and stimulating the shift to ultra-low emission vehicles for both private and public fleets with continued traffic restraint.


The proposed Air Quality Action Plan 2015 – 2025 contributes towards all three strands of the Cambridge City Council Vision:

·       One Cambridge – Fair for all.

·       Caring for our environment and our people.

·       Creating a great place to live, learn and work.


The ambition of the Air Quality Action Plan is for Cambridge to become a low emission city, with clean fresh air for all residents, visitors and workers in the City. The outcome must be to achieve compliance with national targets for air quality and ensure that they are maintained.


Decision of the Executive Councillor for Environment, Waste and Public Health

Instructed Officers to:

       i.          Engage with stakeholders, such as Cambridgeshire County Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council, and partners, such as local businesses, to develop the detail of the Air Quality Action Plan 2015 – 2025 and to implement the Plan over the next 10 years.

     ii.          Report back to the Environment & Scrutiny Committee with a completed Air Quality Action Plan and update on interim progress in 12 months’ time (March 2016).


Reason for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations

The Committee received a report from the Environmental Quality & Growth Manager.


In response to the report the Committee asked if the Council could implement a Single Transport Scheme through the City Deal program. The Executive Councillor said strategic boundaries were being set now, operational details would be covered later.


In response to Members’ questions the Environmental Quality & Growth Manager said the following:

       i.          Noted Councillor’s comments that the Council monitored air quality, but others had levers to improve it. However, the Council could take improvement action such as applying for Central Government funding to bring in low emission vehicles. A working group had been set up with County Council and private sector colleagues to bid for funding to undertake various work in future.

     ii.          The ongoing growth in the greater Cambridge area attracted more residents and more jobs, which could lead to increased traffic. Roads were approaching maximum capacity so traffic levels could not rise much more if further houses were built, but emission levels may rise.

   iii.          The purpose of the proposed Air Quality Action Plan, 2015 – 2025 was to reduce pollution across the city. It had been declining in the city, but developments on the outskirts were pushing up pollution levels there.

   iv.          The Plan set out the future strategy and actions to take in the face of new technology to achieve change and engage with stakeholders. Work linked into other initiatives such as the City Deal and 20mph project.

    v.          There is a mix of intermittent and continuous air quality monitors around the city. The Environmental Quality & Growth Manager undertook to provide Mill Road sensor figures to Councillor Robertson in response to resident’s concerns.


The Committee unanimously resolved to endorse the recommendations.


The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)

No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.