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Strategy and Transformation Portfolio Plan for 2015/16

26/06/2015 - Strategy and Transformation Portfolio Plan for 2015/16

Matter for Decision

The Officer’s report covered the draft Strategy and Transformation Portfolio Plan 2015-16, which set out the strategic objectives for the portfolio for the year ahead, described the context in which the portfolio was being delivered and detailed the activities required to deliver the outcomes and the vision. Performance measures and risks were also shown for each strategic objective.


Decision of the Leader

Approved the draft Strategy and Transformation Portfolio Plan 2015-16.


Reason for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations

The Committee received a report from the Head of Corporate Strategy; introduced by the Leader.


In response to Members’ questions the Leader said the following:

       i.          (Ref Objective 1) Leadership and accountability for shared services had been discussed. A lead local authority and lead manager therein was favoured over a central board. Responsibility for services remained with authorities whilst arrangements were being discussed by Council Leaders. This allowed flexibility to add more authorities to arrangements in future. Progress reports would be sent to each authority in future.

     ii.          Shared services should lead to efficiencies in future.

   iii.          Executive Councillors would take responsibility for shared service arrangements affecting their portfolios, with support from various officers and Ray Ward as lead Director.

   iv.          Progress reports would come to Strategy & Resources, plus individual committees (eg Planning) as required.

    v.          (Ref Objective 3) £400,000 had been allocated by the Police & Crime Commissioner to the Victim Hub, which had just been set up. Various funds such as the Neighbourhood Fund had been set up as well.

   vi.          The Police were taking a positive attitude towards restorative justice and joint working with the voluntary sector and other agencies.

 vii.          Abbey Ward had been chosen from various ones for the Police to focus on violent crime. The ward did not have significant violent crime levels, but the Police want to focus on one ward at a time. The Leader offered to discuss any ward issues with Abbey and Market Ward Councillors.


The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)

No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.