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Citywide 20mph Project - Phase 3 Consultation

12/11/2014 - Citywide 20mph Project - Phase 3 Consultation

The Committee received a report from the Project Delivery & Environment Manager. He also circulated the late Appendix D document.


The report outlined the overall programme for the proposed City-Wide Cambridge 20mph Project. It also brought the project to SAC in order to request feedback and input to the consultation plans for Phase 3 of the project (the South & West/Central Area).


In response to Members’ questions the Project Delivery & Environment Manager said the following:

       i.          The traffic survey data was accurate.

     ii.          The 20 MPH project would only apply to category C roads. It may encroach a little into South Cambridgeshire in order to be practicable.

   iii.          By rolling out the project across the city, it would have a greater impact than smaller scale projects. There was a high level of support ie 70%.

   iv.          Terrisham Drift (as referred to in the Officer’s report) is also known as Hinton Road. The Project Delivery & Environment Manager undertook to cross-reference details with Ordinance Survey data.

    v.          Every single registered Cambridge address (personal and business) would get a copy of the questionnaire by post. It was also available on-line.

   vi.          Police were part of the project board from day one. Enforcement would be undertaken as per 30 MPH areas.

 vii.          The Project Delivery & Environment Manager was working with the County Council Major Projects Team so that City Council projects would complement County Council work.


A member of the public asked a question as set out below.


1.       Mr Bower asked for questionnaire process details.


The Project Delivery & Environment Manage responded:

·       He would ensure questions were identical in the postal and on-line versions of the questionnaire.

·       The 20 MPH project was being phased as it was too large to undertake in one go.

·       The impact of the north phase would be evaluated in 2-3 years. The Council will review general speeding issue learning points.


Following discussion, Members resolved (unanimously) to:

       i.                    Note the project programme, and previous approvals from Environment Scrutiny Committee, and to note the proposed consultation area, consultation method, and content for Phase 3.

     ii.                    Provide comments and recommendations to the Executive Councillor for Planning, Policy and Transport (Councillor Kevin Blencowe) on the proposed consultation arrangements. Particularly with regard to which roads/sections of roads are specifically identified within Question 3 of the Officer’s report.