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Environmental Data Reports - EAC

19/03/2015 - Environmental Data Reports

Councillor Roberts, Executive Councillor for Environment, Waste and Public Health, introduced the item.


The Committee received a report from the Public Realm Manager regarding environmental data.


In response to member’s questions the Public Realm Manager and the Executive Councillor said the following:


       i.          Suggested a maximum of 10 committee priorities for the quarter of October to December 2014.

     ii.          The aim was to have a more equitable distribution of City Rangers across the City. Whilst there would be ‘specialist’ Rangers for each area, there would also be a number ‘floating’ staff to cover peaks in demand.

   iii.          ‘Flashing’ Compactor Bins were available across the City. The bins light up to indicate that they are charging and automatically text the Council when full.

   iv.          Bins could be allocated throughout the year and did not have to wait for a committee cycle.

    v.          Whilst the County Council were responsible for the Tony Carter Bridge, the City Council undertook the cleaning of it.

   vi.          20-30 cycles were abandoned in the East area each quarter. Whilst these were already recycled through a contact in the City, Officers would also look at the option of using OWL (Opportunities Without Limits).

 vii.          The Key Officer Contact List included in the report would be expanded upon and updated. This would allow members of the public to get in touch with the relevant officers and departments quickly and efficiently.

viii.          A ‘key’ would be added to the Bin Maps for future meetings.

   ix.          Local residents had requested additional bins on the Saxon Road area of Riverside.

    x.          Local residents had reported problems with dogs off leads in the Barnwell Road Shopping Area.

   xi.          Officers had approached all schools and colleges in the area to offer educational visits for students.

 xii.          Funds had been set aside for a dog fouling poster campaign in the City.


The committee suggested the following areas for inclusion in the current recommendations:


       i.          Dog fouling patrols on:

-        Cannon Green

-        St Thomas’s Square

-        St Thomas’s Road

-        Ravensworth Gardens Play Space

-        Budleigh Close

-        Coldhams Common

-        Barnwell Road (opposite pet shop)


     ii.          Gutter cleaning on:

-        Occupation Road

-        St Philip’s Road


   iii.          Litter enforcement at:

-        Ditton Fields Play Area

-        Budleigh Close

-        Coldhams Road (outside Leisure Centre)


   iv.          Enforcement of fly tipping on:

-        East Road Estate

-        behind Broadway (Romsey)

-        Budleigh Close


    v.          Additional bins on:

-        Newmarket Road

-        Vera’s Walk

-        Coldhams Road (outside Leisure Centre)


   vi.          Additional dog bins on:

-        Coldhams Common

-        Barnwell Road (opposite pet shop)


 vii.          Regular cleaning of alleyway between Elizabeth Way Bridge and Abbey Road.


viii.          Smoking ashtrays on Mill Road.



Resolved (nem con):


       i.          To agree the following priorities, as included in the officer’s report, for the East Area for the quarter of October to December 2014: 


1.    Cut back and clean-up of the alleyway between the Westering and Newmarket Road

2.    Enforcement patrols to tackle fly-tipping on Riverside

3.    Enforcement joint working and patrols to deal with illegal camping on green open spaces, including Stourbridge Common

4.    Investigating the feasibility of further litter and recycling bins to be placed along Thorpe Way and Dunsmore Close

5.    Jet wash Barnwell Road and Adkins Corner shops to remove grime and chewing gum from the shop fronts

6.    Deep cleanse of Snakey Path and the Tins from Burnside to include removal of graffiti, flyposting, litter, dog fouling, vegetation cut back and sweeping

7.    Early morning patrols for dog fouling on Romsey and Petersfield Recreation Ground.


And to include the following:


   ix.          Dog fouling patrols on:

-        Cannon Green

-        St Thomas’s Square

-        St Thomas’s Road

-        Ravensworth Gardens Play Space

-        Budleigh Close

-        Coldhams Common

-        Barnwell Road (opposite pet shop)


    x.          Gutter cleaning on:

-        Occupation Road

-        St Philip’s Road


   xi.          Litter enforcement at:

-        Ditton Fields Play Area

-        Budleigh Close

-        Coldhams Road (outside Leisure Centre)


 xii.          Enforcement of fly tipping on:

-        East Road Estate

-        behind Broadway (Romsey)

-        Budleigh Close


xiii.          Additional bins on:

-        Newmarket Road

-        Vera’s Walk

-        Coldhams Road (outside Leisure Centre)


xiv.          Additional dog bins on:

-        Coldhams Common

-        Barnwell Road (opposite pet shop)


xv.          Regular cleaning of alleyway between Elizabeth Way Bridge and Abbey Road.


xvi.          Smoking ashtrays on Mill Road.