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SAC S106 Devolved Decision-Making: Taking Stock and Moving Forward

12/11/2014 - SAC S106 Devolved Decision-Making: Taking Stock and Moving Forward

The Committee received a report from the Urban Growth Project Manager.


The report outlined a report is due to be considered by the council’s Community Services Scrutiny Committee on 16 October, which proposes arrangements for the next rounds of S106 priority-setting. A short presentation was made to the SAC in order to highlight what these recommended changes (if approved) would mean for the South Area.


SAC was not asked to make any priority-setting decisions on 13 October. This was an opportunity to brief councillors on the proposed new arrangements and to provide an update on the progress of S106-funded projects previously prioritised by SAC.


The Urban Growth Project Manager brought the report up to date by saying:

       i.          The Executive Councillor for City Centre and Public Places would be happy to meet SAC Members individually or in groups if they have issues. Alternatively, she would be prepared to come to a future SAC meeting if that would be helpful.

     ii.          Guidance would be published in future on the developer contributions webpage (wwww.cambridge.gov.uk/s106).

   iii.          A S106 priority-setting report would be brought to a future SAC in early 2015 and would include an update on devolved S106 funding available by contribution type.


A member of the public asked a question as set out below.


1.       Mr John asked if s106 funding was ring fenced to particular wards.


Funding was devolved to area committees, not specific wards.


Following discussion, Members resolved (unanimously) to note:

       i.          The proposed arrangements for the third and fourth priority-setting rounds in 2014/15 and 2015/16.

     ii.          The progress being made on S106-funded projects that have been prioritised by the South Area Committee in 2012/13 and 2013/14.