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Efficient Decision-Making and Scheme of Delegation to Officers

08/07/2014 - Efficient Decision-Making and Scheme of Delegation to Officers

The committee received a report from the Head of Legal Services regarding efficient decision making and the Scheme of Delegation to officers.


The Leader of the Council explained that, whilst Scrutiny Committees were essential to the decision making process, it was important that officers were able to progress quickly with the routine work of the Council. A revised Scheme of Delegation would therefore allow for speedier action without losing the scrutiny of important decisions.   


Councillors Cantrill and Pitt welcomed the report but felt that further detail on the specific changes to delegations should be brought back to the Civic Affairs Committee prior to being taking to the individual Scrutiny Committees. Concern was raised that any changes to delegations could increase the level of risk to the Council.


The Head of Legal Services responded that responsibility for the level of delegation sat with individual Executive Councillors and should therefore be taken to the Scrutiny Committees for consideration and comment. Concern was expressed about building in an extra ‘loop’ to this process and the amount of detail that may need to be provided. It was noted however that any Constitutional changes would need to be brought back to the Civic Affairs Committee prior to being formally approved by Council.


Councillor Pitt proposed the following additional recommendation:


       i.          On completion of the wider review of delegated powers a further report be brought to the Civic Affairs Committee for comment.


The additional recommendation was agreed unanimously.


The Leader of the Council supported the proposal that a further report be brought back to the Civic Affairs Committee. Members were asked to alert officers to any particular elements of the current Scheme of Delegation that concerned them. 


Councillor Pitt raised concern that by allowing more flexibility for decisions to be made between Committee cycles officers may not plan their workloads around the meeting calendar.


The Head of Legal Services agreed to expand on this in the further report to be brought to back to the Civic Affairs Committee.


Resolved (unanimously):


     ii.          That the Head of Legal Services draft changes to the Council’s constitution to allow Executive decisions to be made between cycles where this is expedient in the interest of good decision-making, subject to appropriate safeguards.


   iii.          That officers review delegations in respect of Finance, Human Resources and Property, and submit any proposed changes to the Executive Councillor for Finance and Resources.


   iv.          That officers review practice and procedures for member consultation in relation to human resources decisions.


    v.          That officers undertake a wider review of delegated powers to ensure that decisions are being made at the appropriate level and report proposals for consideration by the appropriate Executive Councillor or Committee.


   vi.          That on completion of the wider review of delegated powers (as above) a further report be brought to the Civic Affairs Committee for comment.