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14/0461/FUL - 26 Priory Road

29/09/2014 - 14/0461/FUL - 26 Priory Road

The Committee received an application for full planning permission.


The application sought approval for a change of use for the outbuilding annex at 26 Priory Road from ancillary residential use to an office for the business use of the charity, Afrinspire.  The change of use will be to B1 Business/office class.


The Committee received a representation in objection to the application from Mr Chris Hawkins.


The representation covered the following issues:

     i.        A previous change of use application had been refused.

    ii.        Using charity status to circumvent rules.

   iii.        Neighbours object to change of use.

  iv.        Intrusion into private space.

   v.        Noise of business.

  vi.        Additional increase foot fall to the rear of properties.


Dennis Whitefield, the applicant, addressed the Committee in support of the application.


Members asked for further information on the application history of the site and questioned if this was a retrospective application.


The Planning officer confirmed that that the building currently had permission for unrestricted out building. He stated that there was no planning history to this unit.


The Committee was minded to refuse the application.  Officers suggested 3/4 and 3/10 were the relevant policies.  Officers would draft a refusal based on these policies to be agreed by chair and spokes. The Head of Planning agreed this approach.


The Committee:


Resolved (by 1 votes to 7) to refuse the application contrary to the officer recommendations for the following reasons:

3.10 Impact on residential area

3.10 Out of character with residential area