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The Committee received a report from the Project Delivery & Environment Manager regarding the Environmental Improvement Programme (EIP). The report requested the Committee to determine which of the proposed new EIP schemes were allocated funding as part of the 2014/15 Environmental Improvement Programme.
Members considered a number of 2014/15 schemes put forward for approval.
In response
to Members’ questions
the Project Delivery & Environment Manager answered:
The maintenance of 26 hanging
baskets along Cherry Hinton High Street was brought to SAC on an annual basis
at its request, although this was not the norm for EIP projects.
A report would go to
Community Services in future setting out proposed changes to the EIP process.
2014/15 may be the last year of the current process.
A member of the
public spoke in favour of ‘S6’ to install a dropped kerb on Red Cross Lane at gate leading to Addenbrooke’s Hospital. This would give better access to
people with mobility impairments.
SAC wished
to allocate EIP funding fairly between the 3 south area wards, so an equal
3-way split was proposed. Councillor Meftah formally requested a change to recommendation 2.2 as follows:
allocate the remaining £37,300 to the list of proposed projects in Appendix A
of the Officer’s report.
Replace with:
To allocate the remaining £37,300 equally between
Queen Edith’s, Cherry Hinton and Trumpington wards, to be allocated to the list
of proposed projects in Appendix A of the Officer’s report in future.
revised recommendation was agreed (by 8 votes to 0).
Following discussion, Members resolved (by 8 votes to 0):
Allocated funding of £4,500 for the annual provision
and maintenance of 26 hanging baskets along Cherry Hinton High St.
Allocated the remaining
£37,300 equally between Queen Edith’s, Cherry Hinton and Trumpington wards, to
be allocated to the list of proposed projects in Appendix A of the Officer’s
report in future.
Approved the delivery of the minor traffic
regulation orders listed in Appendix E of the Officer’s report, at an estimated
cost of £6000, funded by the remainder of the South Area Committee 2011/12
joint minor highway works budget.
Approved those projects for implementation, subject
to positive consultation where required and final approval by Ward Councillors.
Noted the progress
of existing schemes listed in Appendix C of the Officer’s report.