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Buchan Street Neighbourhood Centre Improvements

03/04/2014 - Buchan Street Neighbourhood Centre Improvements

The Committee received a Project Appraisal from the Head of Community Development regarding improvement to Buchan Street Neighbourhood Centre.


The Committee discussed the current childcare provision area and addition needs from areas such as Orchard Park were considered.


Resolved (unanimously) to approve the project appraisal as detailed below.


Financial recommendations -


a)      To agree, subject to tender and relevant planning and building regulation approval, the project to improve Buchan Street Neighbourhood Centre by increasing space for childcare provision to an optimum size (to take 24 children) and adding a new meeting room.




The project includes the addition of a meeting room and additional childcare space at Buchan Street Neighbourhood Centre.


The County Council have agreed to fund up to £70k towards the cost of the additional childcare space as this will help to meet the high demand from families in the Kings Hedges and surrounding areas.


Target Dates


Start of Procurement

April 214

Award of Contract

June 2014

Start of project delivery

August 2014

Completion of construction

November 2014

Childcare provider start

January 2015


The Cost


Total Project Cost                  £170,000


Capital Cost Funded from:








Repairs & Renewals



Developer Contributions


From North Area’s developer contributions programme  – see Appendix B

Climate Change Fund





From the County Council


Revenue Cost



Year 1





The Procurement


The works will be procured through a competitive procurement exercise and project managed by City Council officers.