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Neighbourhood Resolution Panel Scheme

16/04/2014 - Neighbourhood Resolution Panel Scheme

Matter for Decision: To note progress on the Neighbourhood Resolution Panel Scheme (NRPS) and agree recommendations for further development of the scheme.


Decision of the Leader:


The Leader resolved to:


       i.          Note the Neighbourhood Resolution Panel Scheme (NRPS)  Progress Report (Appendix 1 of the officer’s report) which sets out progress since July 2012 with regard to the establishment of the NRPS.

     ii.          Endorse progress made and the recommendations for further development of the scheme

Reasons for the Decision: As set out in the officer’s report


Any alternative options considered and rejected: As set out in the officer’s report


Scrutiny Considerations:


The committee received a report from the Safer Communities Section Manager and the NRPS Coordinator.


In response to member’s questions the Safer Communities Section Manager and the NRPS Coordinator said the following:


       i.          Whilst the initial setting up of NRPS had been very time consuming and was still in its early stages of development, a robust scheme was now in place. 

     ii.          The scheme was dependent on an active group of volunteers and at present numbers were limited. 

   iii.          Whilst it was hoped that each referral could be turned around within 6 weeks, this was dependent on the level of support that each party needed.

   iv.          A 6 week NRPS turnaround was much quicker than if the issue had been processed by the Police or the Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Team.

    v.          The scheme began to process referrals in July 2013 and to date there had been 10 referrals.

   vi.          Once the scheme was more established it was expected to deal with up to 3 per month.

 vii.          A further aim of the scheme was to reduce reoffending and this was being achieved.


The Leader spoke strongly in support of NRPS and emphasised that the objective of the scheme was to bring about a culture change in dealing with first time offenders which was never likely to happen overnight. The NRPS Coordinator had worked closely with the Police at every level to promote the scheme and they were now on board and supportive of the scheme.  


The Scrutiny Committee considered the recommendations and endorsed them by 4 votes to 0.





The Leader approved the recommendation.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Leader (and any Dispensations Granted):


Not applicable.