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Cambridge Citywide 20mph Project - Phase 2

23/04/2014 - Cambridge Citywide 20mph Project - Phase 2

The Committee received a report from the Project Delivery and Environment Manager regarding the Cambridge 20mph Project. It was noted that a capital bid for £600,000 (not £400,000 as indicated in 3.1 of the Officer’s report) to cover the project was agreed in February 2012. 


1.    Mr Storer, speaking on behalf of the Cambridge Cycling Campaign, welcomed speed reduction on Mill Road but had reservations regarding Cherry Hinton Road and Coldham’s Lane if the new limits were not enforced.


Concern was raised regarding rat running through residential areas in Romsey and Coleridge. The need for more cycle access only areas and more traffic calming measures was also highlighted.




2.    Mr Woodburn highlighted the number of road deaths on Cherry Hinton Road and urged Councillor to support a 20mph limit. Children used this area when accessing local schools, as did older people accessing the two local pharmacies.


The need to replace the speed camera was also reiterated and Councillors and the Police were invited to observe the issues with Mr Woodburn.




3.    Mr Dunn raised concern at the high cost of the project and questioned how it would be enforced by the Police. Everyone had a responsibility for their own safety and many cyclists in the City were badly behaved.


He felt that Ward Councillors were forcing this through.


In response to the public questions Councillors made the following points:


       i.          Councillor Smart confirmed that the 20mph project, via a Motion at Full Council, received unanimous support from all Councillors present. However, Ward Councillors should not agree without the support of local residents.


     ii.          Councillor Brown responded that if Coldham’s Lane residents were not in support of a 20mph limit it made no sense to agree it. Cherry Hinton Road was dangerous but without a speed camera in place a 20mph speed limit would not be observed. 


   iii.          Councillor Herbert confirmed that he would be happy to meet Mr Woodburn on Cherry Hinton Road to observe the speeding issues. Support was expressed for a 20mph limit and speed reduction measures on Coleridge Road.


   iv.          Councillor Benstead expressed support for a 20mph limit on both Cherry Hinton Road and Coleridge Road. He would also be interested in a breakdown of the consultation results (long term resident’s vs rental properties) for Cherry Hinton Road.


    v.          Councillor Roberts requested a breakdown of the consultation results for Wadloes Road. 


The Project Delivery and Environment Manager agreed to provide this to Councillor Roberts.


   vi.          Councillor Owers agreed that speeding on Cherry Hinton Road was an issue and expressed support for a 20mph limit.


 vii.          Councillor Saunders confirmed that he would support the results of the public consultation. 



Resolved (unanimously) to:


       i.          Note the consultation outcomes.


     ii.          Recommend to the Executive Councillor for Planning and Climate change (Councillor Tim Ward) and the Environment Scrutiny Committee the introduction of a 20mph limit on the unclassified roads in the East Phase area.


   iii.          Recommend to the Executive Councillor for Planning and Climate change (Councillor Tim Ward) and the Environment Scrutiny Committee the introduction of a 20mph limit on the following C Class roads within the East Phase area:


-        Mill Road

-        Brookside



Resolved (by 6 votes to 2) to:


   iv.          Recommend to the Executive Councillor for Planning and Climate change (Councillor Tim Ward) and the Environment Scrutiny Committee the introduction of a 20mph limit on the following C Class road within the East Phase area:


-        Cherry Hinton Road



Resolved (unanimously) to:


    v.          Recommend to the Executive Councillor for Planning and Climate change (Councillor Tim Ward) and the Environment Scrutiny Committee not to introduce a 20mph limit Coldham’s Lane.