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Developer Contributions Devolved Decision-Making: 2nd Round Priority-Setting

13/03/2014 - Developer Contributions Devolved Decision-Making: 2nd Round Priority-Setting

The Committee received a report from the Urban Growth Project Manager.


The September 2013 second round short-listing report highlighted constraints on which short-listed options could be afforded from the devolved developer contributions available to the South Area. Over the last four months, these financial pressures have been eased.


The January 2014 report asked the Area Committee to identify three local project priorities (plus a fourth grant-based priority project, if appropriate).


The Urban Growth Project Manager:

       i.          Referred to an email from Accordia Estate residents to SAC supporting the proposed scooter/skate park. He referred to P19 of his report where details of a petition were set out. The Urban Growth Project Manager was trying to combine scooter park and trim trail projects in one item for Accordia in the proposed project.

     ii.          Referred to an addendum to the committee report setting different options to fund projects.

   iii.          Once SAC agreed its priorities, a consultation will be undertaken prior to implementation of work. Further details are set out in section 5 of the Officer’s report.


Members of the public made a number of statements, as set out below.


1.              Ms Dean spoke on behalf of Trumpington Bowls Club:

·       Funding was required to extend club facilities.

·       A lack of facilities limited the size of the club.

·       Suggested few sports projects received s106 funding.

·       The Bowls Club offered facilities for all ages and abilities, including people with disabilities.


2.              Mr Wheer spoke on behalf of Accordia residents:

·       Referred to the petition to support the skate park.

·       Asked for the project to be fast tracked to receive funding.


In response to Members’ questions the Urban Growth Project Manager said the following:


       i.          SAC could signpost Cherry Hinton Hall as a site for a multi-use games area, for consideration of citywide funding by Community Services Scrutiny Committee 13 March 2014.

     ii.          Undertook to check multi-use games area locations across the city.


ACTION POINT: Urban Growth Project Manager to check if multi-use games areas are located in each city ward.


The six options (in no particular order) are:

A. Refurbish the family centre at Cherry Hinton Baptist Church.

B. Extend Trumpington Bowls Club Pavilion.

C. Junior scooter park for pre-teens and trim trail at Accordia.

D. New or refurbished pavilion at Cherry Hinton Rec Ground.

E. Basketball court or MUGA at Cherry Hinton Rec Ground.

F. New pavilion at Nightingale Avenue Rec Ground.”


Following discussion, Members resolved (unanimously) to:


       i.          Identify local priorities to be funded from devolved developer contributions funding, subject to local consultation and project appraisal as follows:

·       A. Refurbish the family centre at Cherry Hinton Baptist Church.

·       B. Extend Trumpington Bowls Club Pavilion.

·       C. Junior scooter park for pre-teens and trim trail at Accordia.

·       D. New or refurbished pavilion at Cherry Hinton Rec Ground.

     ii.          Earmark up to £200,000 of devolved outdoor sports contributions for the proposed new pavilion at Nightingale Avenue Recreation Ground in advance of the receipt of community facilities contributions expected from the development of the Bell School site.

   iii.          Instruct officers to make preparations (including further local consultation) for developing the proposals for the proposed new pavilion at Nightingale Avenue Recreation Ground.


Councillors requested a change to the recommendations. Councillor Ashton formally proposed to add the following recommendation to those listed in paragraph 1.1 (referred to by recommendation 2.1) of the Officer’s report:


   iv.          Request the Urban Growth Project Manager to ascertain if the basketball court or MUGA at Cherry Hinton Rec Ground (option E) could be sited at Cherry Hinton Hall and be eligible for citywide s106 funding.


The Committee approved new recommendation iv unanimously.


The Committee agreed recommendation iv unanimously.