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Article 4 Directions - Public Houses and Buildings of Local Interest

07/02/2014 - Article 4 Directions - Public Houses and Buildings of Local Interest

Matter for Decision

The Officer’s report sought a decision on the designation of Article 4 Directions in relation to the demolition of public houses in the City Council area. The report recommended the adoption of  Article 4 Directions in the form attached at the appendix and which has the effect of withdrawing permitted development rights relating to the demolition of those public houses within the Cambridge City Council area that are not in a conservation area.


The Principal Conservation and Design Officer referred to an addendum to the Officer’s report regarding use of Article 4 Directions: Public Houses and Building of Local Interest.


Decision of Executive Councillor for Planning and Climate


       i.          Authorised the making of Article 4 Directions withdrawing permitted development rights for the demolition of the public houses specified in Appendix 2 of the Officer’s report.

     ii.          Noted the need at a later date to confirm or not confirm with the Chair and Spokesperson the Article 4 Directions, taking into account representations made during the consultation period.

   iii.          Agreed that the more vulnerable Buildings of Local Interest (BLIs) outside conservation areas be brought forward for Article 4 Directions under delegated authority by the Head of Planning in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Planning & Climate Change and Environment Scrutiny Chair and Spokes.


Reason for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations

The Committee received a report from the Principal Conservation and Design Officer. The Officer referred to an addendum to Item 18 - Report regarding use of Article 4 Directions: Public Houses and Building of Local Interest.


The Executive Councillor for Planning and Climate Change said in response to the report that he was lobbying Central Government to encourage public house protection. Ministers thought Article 4 provided sufficient protection, but stakeholders were not so convinced.


In response to Members’ questions the Principal Conservation and Design Officer said the following:


       i.          A report on the use of Article 4 Directions for BLIs would be presented to Environment Scrutiny Committee 8th July 2014

     ii.          Buildings had to meet certain criteria to be added to the BLI/Article 4 list. Officers could discuss individual examples with Members post meeting.

   iii.          Buildings owned by the Council were not included on the BLI list, if ownership changed, they could be in future.

   iv.          The Local Plan provided the evidence base of pubs requiring protection.


Councillors agreed nem con to add the Blue Moon pub to the BLI list in Appendix 1 of the Officer’s report.


Councillors requested a change to recommendation 2.1b. Councillor Blencowe formally proposed to amend the following recommendation from the Officer’s report (amendments shown as bold text):


2.1     The Executive Councillor is recommended to:

b)   note the need at a later date to confirm or not confirm with the Chair and Spokesperson the Article 4 Directions, taking into account representations made during the consultation period.


The Committee unanimously approved this amended recommendation.


The Committee unanimously resolved to endorse the recommendations as amended.


The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)

No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.