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12/1040/FUL - St Colettes Preparatory School, Tenison Road

24/10/2013 - 12/1040/FUL - St Colettes Preparatory School, Tenison Road

The Committee received an application for full planning permission.


The application sought approval for the proposed erection of two 5-bed houses, five 4-bed houses, internal access road, car and cycle parking and hard and soft landscaping.


The Committee received a representation in objection from Dr Harter representing local residents. 


The representation covered the following issues:


       i.          The drawings from the application were misleading and not a true reflection of the scale of the proposed dwellings.

     ii.          The proposed development was too big in height and scale and too close to properties in Tenison Avenue.

   iii.          The properties in Tenison Avenue have unusually small back gardens which the proposed dwellings would dominate.

   iv.          There appears to be no effort to minimise the impact on the living conditions of those residents living in Tenison Avenue. 


Mr Colin Brown (Agent) addressed the Committee in support of the application.


Councillor Brown (Ward Councillor) addressed the Committee about the application.


The representation covered the following issues:


       i.          The previous design attempted to merge with the conservation area. The new design was completely different and seemed to be worse than what was there previously. Examples of her objections were given by highlighting the scale and position of the proposed dwellings in relation to existing properties.

     ii.          The issue of drainage for the proposed dwellings did not seem to have been addressed.


The Committee:


Resolved (by 4 votes to 3 with 1 abstention) to reject the Officer recommendation to approve the application.


Resolved (by 4 votes to 3 with 1 abstention) to refuse the application contrary to the Officer recommendations for the following reasons: 


       i.          By virtue of the relationship between plots 3 and 5 and 15-27 Tenison Avenue, and the materials of construction of the houses on these plots, the development would have an overbearing sense of enclosure for the occupiers of 15-27 Tenison Avenue.  In so doing, the submitted plans fail to address the issues raised by the Inspector in his decision regarding the appeal against the refusal of application reference 11/1534/FUL.  The development is, therefore, contrary to policies 3/4 and 3/7 of the Cambridge Local Plan (2006) and advice provided by the NPPF.

     ii.          The proposed development does not make appropriate provision for public open space, sports facilities, community development facilities, education and life-long learning facilities, waste storage, waste management facilities and monitoring in accordance with Cambridge Local Plan 2006 policies 3/7, 3/8, 3/12, 5/14 and 10/1, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Structure Plan 2003 policies P6/1 and P9/8 and as detailed in the Planning Obligation Strategy 2010, the RECAP Waste Management Design Guide SPD 2012, and the Open Space Standards Guidance for Interpretation and Implementation 2010.