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The Committee received a report from the Environmental Projects Manager regarding the Environmental Improvement Programme.
Individual Members spoke in support of their preferred schemes.
In response to Member’s questions the Environmental Projects Manager confirmed the following:
i. Acknowledged Member’s concern that it could look like the Council had simply given up on verge parking prohibition. However, it was noted that, as verge parking prohibition had yet to be successfully implemented in the City, alternative measures were being considered to tackle the issue. Officers would be working closely with Ward Councillors in the development of these alternative measures.
ii. The Environmental Improvement Programme could not fund a Resident’s Parking Scheme. This would need to be set up by the County Council and be funded by the local residents.
All projects would be subject to positive
consultation with local residents and final approval by Ward Councillors.
iv. Confirmed that the benches on the corner of Coleridge Road and Mill Road (Project No 14) had already been replaced, and therefore could be removed from the list for consideration.
v. Confirmed that the Mill Road phone box removal project (No 16) was in Petersfield Ward (not Romsey as indicated in the officer’s report).
vi. Suggested that the Mill Road Co-op forecourt improvement project (No 11) be funded from Public Realm Developer Contributions.
Resolved (unanimously) to:
Reallocate the £8,000 currently allocated to the Silverwood Close/Whitehill Estate
Verge Parking Prohibition scheme.
Reallocate the £7,500 currently allocated to the
Brooks Road/Perne Road Verge Parking Prohibition.
Allocate an additional £5,000 to the existing
approved Catharine Street traffic calming project.
Allocate an additional £5,000 to the existing
approved scheme to plant street trees on Greville
Road and Chalmers Road.
Allocate funding of £1400 to the highway schemes in
appendix A that have secured Local Highway Improvement (LHI) funding from the
County Council
Resolved (unanimously) to:
Allocate funding to the following proposed new
projects as listed in Appendix A of the Officer’s report:
No 1: Budleigh Close/Burnside (£4,000) – Landscape
No 4: Ditton Lane: Handrail (£3,000) - Guardrail to be
installed along the steep section of footway in order to improve pedestrian
safety, particularly for the elderly in adverse weather conditions.
No 5: Birdwood Road (between Perne Road
and Chalmers Road): Verge Protection (£15,000) - Badly damaged
verges to be reinforced and reseeded.
No 8: Peverel Road (£13,000) - Installation of knee-high rail fencing on
two selected grass verges, in order to prevent parking on green spaces.
No 13: Ross
Street: Tree Planting (£15,000) - Construction of footway build-outs at least
three locations in order to provide suitable planting sites.
Resolved (by 6 votes to 3) to:
Allocate funding to the following proposed new
project as listed in Appendix A of the Officer’s report:
No 16: Mill Road
phone box removal (£5,000) - Removal of two existing BT phone boxes in the
footway between Willis Road and Guest Road. Principle agreed with BT.
Resolved (by 9 votes to 0) to:
Allocate funding to the following proposed new
project as listed in Appendix A of the Officer’s report:
No 18: Mill Road
Footway Grants (£5,300) - A grants programme to provide 50% funding to
shopkeepers to support improvements to their privately owned public frontage
With an agreement that
any underspend on the other projects be used on Mill Road Footway Grants
project, up to the £10,000 total identified as the estimated budget.
Resolved (unanimously) to:
Approve the allocated projects for implementation,
subject to positive consultation and final approval by local Ward Councillors.
Note the progress of existing schemes listed in
Appendix C of the Officer’s report.