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Update on Discretionary Housing Payment

31/10/2013 - Update on Discretionary Housing Payment

Matter for Decision

Update on the use of Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP), current DHP funding and new additional funding to help with the housing needs of those affected by housing benefit reforms.


Decision of the Executive Councillor for Customer Services and Resources


Resolved to:


       i.          Acknowledge the impact of the welfare reforms and the support given to tenants affected by the changes.


     ii.          Note the current levels of spend and continue to monitor this, with reports brought forward to the Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee as required.


   iii.          Approve the use of the additional transitional funding as set out in 3.12 of the Officer’s report.


   iv.          Welcome the continuing work of Officers to identify those in need of support.


Reasons for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations

The committee received a report from the Head of Revenues and Benefits regarding Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) and Welfare Reform Transitional Funding.


In response to members’ questions the Head of Revenues and Benefits and the Director of Customer and Community Services confirmed the following:


       i.          Stressed that, at this point in time, it was not possible to draw any final conclusions regarding the call on DHP funding for the remainder of the financial year.

     ii.          500 tenants were affected by the spare room subsidy changes yet only 137 had received DHP for this reason.

   iii.          It was anticipated that claims for DHP would increase in future years.

   iv.          As of 28 August 2013, there had been 290 claims for DHP, of which 233 were successful.

    v.          Officers had been proactive in raising awareness of DHP and encouraging residents to apply.

   vi.          As reflected in the recent report to the Housing Management Board, 75% of those affected by the changes were making arrangements to pay.

 vii.          The current level of rent arrears was approximately £22,000.

viii.          For this financial year it was expected that extra funding provided by the government would be sufficient to ease the transition of the housing benefit changes. It was not yet clear if this would be the case in future years.


Members and Officers discussed the need for further reports to be brought to this committee.


The Chair proposed the following amendment to recommendation 2 of the Officer’s report (additional text in bold):


·       Note the current levels of spend and continue to monitor this, with reports brought forward to the Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee as required.


The committee resolved unanimously to agree this amendment.


The Chair also proposed the following additional recommendation:


·       Welcome the continuing work of Officers to identify those in need of support.


The committee resolved unanimously to agree this additional recommendation.


The Committee resolved unanimously to endorse the amended recommendations.


The Executive Councillor approved the amended recommendations.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)

Not applicable.