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for Decision:
The Local Plan is a key document for Cambridge, and the
review of the current Local Plan is currently underway. Following on from consultation on the Issues
and Options Report, which took place between June and July 2012, this consultation would include:
Part 1 – Joint consultation of Development Strategy and
Site Options on the Edge of Cambridge;
Part 2 – Site Options within Cambridge (including
residential space standards and car and cycle parking standards).
The report provided the draft Part 1 (Appendix A of the Officer’s report) and Part 2 (Appendix H of the Officer’s report) consultation documents for consideration, and sets out the broad arrangements for consultation, which will take place for 6 weeks between 7 January and 18 February 2013.
Decision of Executive Councillor for Planning
and Climate Change:
Agreed the
joint Part 1 document (Appendix A of the Officer’s report) and supporting evidence base (Appendices
B, C, D, E and F of the Officer’s report) for consultation;
Agreed the
Sustainability Appraisal of the Part 1 document for consultation (Appendix G
of the Officer’s report);
Agreed the
Part 2 document (Appendix H of the Officer’s report) and supporting evidence base (Appendix L
of the Officer’s report) for consultation;
Agreed the
Sustainability Appraisal of the Part 2 document for consultation (Appendix M
of the Officer’s report);
Agreed the
consultation arrangements sets out in paragraphs 3.32 to 3.34 and the consultee
list set out in Appendix N of the Officer’s report; and
Agreed that
any minor amendments and editing changes that need to be made should be agreed
in consultation with the Executive Councillor, Chair and Opposition Spokes.
Reason for the Decision:
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
Not applicable.
Scrutiny Considerations:
The Committee received a report from the Planning Policy
Manager regarding the Cambridge Local Plan – Towards 2031, Issues and Options 2,
Part 1 and Part 2 as detailed in the of the Officer’s report. The Officer
reported that South Cambridgeshire District Council had already agreed the
consultation process for Part 1.
Part 1
The committee made the following comments in response to the
The report was difficult to understand and confusing
for the members of public. Additional figures were needed where predicted
growth was mentioned, as without an understanding of the current baseline
numbers, future numbers were meaningless.
Phrases such as ‘urban area’ should be avoided, as they
were open to different interpretations.
Adding a commentary regarding Marshall’s renewed
intentions towards their site north of Newmarket Road. would assist the public.
Missing numbers need adding to paragraph 6.21.
The sustainability of Waterbeach and Bourn Airfield was
questioned and Keith Miles, Planning Policy Manager for South Cambridgeshire
District Council, informed the committee that the new settlement options were
part of South Cambs’ summer consultation and do not form part of this
consultation. However, the limited
availability of edge of City sites was driving the shift to new town options.
Officers clarified that the consultation exhibitions
would be cross authority events and that web consultations would be
cross-referenced where timeframes permitted.
vii. Members
suggested that the partnership aspects of the process needed to be a highly
visible aspect of the consultation.
viii. Page
45 of the report. Members discussed the question and commented that the wording
might suggest that some development of Green Belt land was inevitable. Officers
responded and stated that at this stage the question needed to be asked and
that South Cambridgeshire District Council had already agreed the wording.
Site option GB6 was discussed. A number of
inconsistencies were noted and the map was agreed to be misleading. The problems would be resolved in
consolation with the Chair and Spokes.
Page 58 of the report. Question 4 would be amended to
make it clear that the stadium would serve the needs of the sub region.
Page 59 of the report. Question 7 would be amended to
read ‘Which if any of the following site options for a community
stadium do you support or object to, and why?’
xii. Member
noted that the need for a stadium had been highlighted by a previous
Cambridgeshire Horizons study, which had involved discussions with key sports
clubs, the Cambridgeshire Football Association and local authorities.
xiii. It
was suggested that the inclusion of developer or landowner’s preferences was
subjective and unhelpful. The Head of Planning stated that, in the interest of
openness, the most recent information from developers was included.
xiv. Keith
Miles confirmed that an additional proposal for a site at Sawston had recently
come to light and was not included in the report. The site was reported to be
of a small scale and not a sub regional facility.
Part 2
It was suggested that the terminology was very
technical. The Head of Planning confirmed that the consultation process would
be accessible to the public and that residents living close to suggested
developments would receive a letter in plain English.
Members queried the origin of Site R18 Barton Road.
Myles Greensmith informed the committee that it had come from the SHLAA Consultation
and Call for Sites.
The growth of the universities was discussed. Myles
Greensmith stated that both universities would have to abide by the agreed
growth option. The public consultation would invite comment on how much growth
of the two universities was acceptable. The consultation process would allow
the universities to put forward their own ideas.
Pages 210-213 of the report. Members suggested that the
public would find this section confusing. An explanation for the lack of a
minimum standard was suggested for car parking.
Pages 213 of the report: Table J.1. The addition of the
words ‘up to’ to the maximum car parking per dwelling was agreed.
Cycle parking standards were discussed and members agreed
that, for many cyclists, convenience was more important than large-scale
provision. The committee suggested the inclusion of more evidence base to this
vii. Page
232 of the report: Local Green Spaces. Officers reported that the inclusion of
Local Green Spaces in the report resulted from the Government’s inclusion of
this new designation within the National Planning Policy Framework. The designation of open spaces as Local
Green Space has to be undertaken as a part of the plan making process. The inclusion
of Question L.1 within the document for consultation provides an opportunity
for members of the public to come forward with any sites which they consider to
fulfil the Government’s criteria for designation.
Consultation Arrangements
Members expressed satisfaction with the proposed consultation
The Committee resolved by 3 votes to 0 to endorse the
The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation.
Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any
dispensations granted)
Not applicable.
Supporting documents: