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Agenda item

Consideration Of An Application For A Premises Licence To Be Granted: West Cornwall Pasty Co. Limited, 15 Market Hill, Cambridge, Cb2 3np


The committee received an application for a premises licence requested by the West Cornwall Pasty Company. The Assistant Licensing Officer gave details of the application as per the report. Three conditions had been added, with the applicants agreement, at the request of Environmental Health.


Tom Sharpe addressed the committee on behalf of the applicant and made the following points:


             I.      The applicant had withdrawn the late night and extended hours application.

          II.      The venue would only sell premium Cornish ales.

       III.      These would only be available to customers ordering full meals.

      IV.      There would be no alcohol service to the outside seating area.

         V.      The applicant was happy to agree the Responsible Authority’s suggested conditions.

      VI.      There would be no increase in littering.


In response to members questions the following points were confirmed:


   VII.      The venue would not add to Cumulative Impact Area issues as the venue is already trading and seeking only to add beer sales to the menu.

VIII.      The West Cornwall Pasty Company operates in other sensitive locations such as Covent Garden and Twickenham, without problems. However, it was not known if these venues are in Cumulative Impact Areas.

      IX.      It is intended that beer would be sold in the bottle. However, the applicant was flexible about this.


Current opening hours were discussed and agreed to be planning issues and not relevant to this committee.


Inspector Poppitt addressed the committee. He stated that he was pleased that the late night refreshment application had been withdrawn and that the applicant had agreed to the suggested conditions. He had no further objections.


Members retired at 10.25 am and returned at 11.10 am.


RESOLVED (Unanimously) 


To grant the licence as applied for (alcohol only), as per the conditions proposed by the applicant, the conditions proposed by the Police (apart from suggested conditions 8, 9 and 10 which would not apply as the licence would not allow sale of alcohol in the outside seating areas), the conditions proposed by the Environmental Protection Team Leader, the mandatory conditions and one additional condition added at the hearing:


Supply of Alcohol (on the premises)

Monday to Saturday        08:30 to 22:30

Sunday                             08:30 to 21:30


Non standard timings:

Bank Holidays                 08:30 to 22:30


Opening hours of the premises

Monday to Saturday        08:30 to 22:30

Sunday                             08:30 to 21:30


Non standard timings:

Bank Holidays                 08:30 to 22:30       

Supporting documents: