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Agenda item

24/01549/REM - B2 Land (Car Dealership development) Land North Of Newmarket Road (Marleigh)


The Committee received a reserved matters application for the B2 land (car dealership development) including access, appearance, layout, scale, landscaping, associated infrastructure, incorporating an extension to the Ford store together with discharge of conditions 12,13,17,18,23,34,39,40,41,42,43,45,46, and 48 in respect of outline planning permission S/2682/13/OL.


In response to Members’ questions the Senior Planner said the following:

      i.         The impact of the multistorey car park had been thoroughly reviewed. An existing mature tree belt would provide sufficient screening throughout the year. The previous use of the site was similar to the use in this application. There were only a couple of points where the height of the proposed building was above the heights set out in the Parameter Plan so Officers believed there would be no significant adverse impact on residents.

    ii.         Fire hydrants would be addressed under Building Regulations.

   iii.         The Local Plan did not specify the number of cycle parking spaces which needed to be provided for this Use class. Officers reviewed the amount of cycling parking proposed and were satisfied this would be sufficient. 

  iv.         Car parking provision had been reviewed. Officers were content with the amount proposed and did not believe there would be overspill parking off-site into the Marleigh development.

    v.         Conditions 2 and 3 would secure the vertical planting and ensure that it was maintained in the future.

  vi.         Condition 11 required details to be submitted regarding water consumption (BREAAM Wat 01 requirements). If the applicant failed to provide sufficient information then the condition would not be discharged.

 vii.         Rainwater gardens could be considered as part of the drainage condition.

viii.         Officers had no concerns regarding the cladding and overheating. The proposals were similar to what was on site previously. No concerns had been raised by Environment Health Officers regarding overheating.

  ix.         Signage (in terms of name / display lighting for the building) would be controlled by advertisement regulations.

    x.         The trigger points for conditions 9 and 11 could be amended to be ‘prior to commencement of development’.

  xi.         Noted concerns raised about the potential for noise from transporter vehicles when reversing and advised that condition 9 could be amended to address concerns to protect residential amenity.


The Strategic Sites Manager offered the following summary of amendments to the Officer’s recommendation contained in paragraph 24 (i) of the report reflecting Members’ debate:

        i.       Approve the reserved matters application subject to the conditions and informatives as detailed in this report, with delegated authority to Officers to carry through minor amendments to those conditions and informatives (and to include others considered appropriate and necessary) prior to the issuing of the planning permission with amendments to:

a.     condition 2 to include reference to rainwater gardens and green roofs on cycle shelters;

b.     conditions 9 and 11 to change each trigger point to ‘prior to commencement of development’;

c.     condition 9 to include reference to noise impact from vehicle movements.

      ii.        No amendments were proposed to the Officer recommendation contained in paragraph 24 (ii) of the report.


The Committee:


Resolved (by 8 votes to 0 with 1 abstention) to:

        i.       Approve the reserved matters application subject to the conditions and informatives as detailed in this report, with delegated authority to Officers to carry through minor amendments to those conditions and informatives (and include others considered appropriate and necessary) prior to the issuing of the planning permission with amendments to:

a.     condition 2 to include reference to rainwater gardens and green roofs on cycle shelters.

b.     conditions 9 and 11 to change each trigger point to ‘prior to commencement of development’

c.     condition 9 to include reference to noise impact from vehicle movements.


Resolved (unanimously) to:

      ii.        Approve the part discharge of planning conditions on the outline consent reference S/2682/13/OL in relation to this reserved matters site only:

a.     Condition 12 - Hard and Soft Landscaping details

b.     Condition 13 - Tree retention/removal

c.     Condition 17 - Ecological Mitigation

d.     Condition 18 - Artificial Lighting

e.     Condition 23 - Waste and Recycling

f.       Condition 34 - Surface Water Drainage

g.     Condition 39 - Noise Impact Assessment

h.     Condition 40 - Bird Hazard Management

i.       Condition 41 - Detailed Waste Management and Minimisation Plan

j.       Condition 42 - Odour and Noise Management from the North Works

k.     Condition 43 - Remediation Strategy

l.       Condition 45 - Construction Method Statement

m.   Condition 46 - Archaeological details

n.     Condition 48 - Water Vole Protection



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