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The Committee
received a reserved matters application pursuant to 16/0176/OUT for (i) all
matters (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) relating to the
development of 2no. mixed-use laboratory and office buildings (2000 Discovery
Drive and 3000 Discovery Drive) including associated plant, internal access
roads, car parking, cycle parking, landscaping, public open space, and other
works and (ii) the discharge of conditions 8 (transport spurs), 10 (energy
demand), 14 (EV Charging), 31 (on plot cycle and pedestrian facilities), 33
(car parking spaces), 36 (disabled car parking spaces), 37 (cycle parking
spaces), 39 (ecological conservation management plan), 41 (drainage), 43
(sustainability), 48 (waste), 49 (landscape) of planning permission
The Committee Manager read out a statement in objection on behalf of
Trumpington Residents’ Association.
The report stated that the failure
of the Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) system was "not a
planning matter", and therefore cannot be considered. They understood the
efficient operation of an ANPR system was required by the outline planning
permission. It was a scandal that seven years on from the re-launch of the ANPR
system its continued failure allowed rat running by unauthorized users of the
Campus's private roads at an estimated level of 2,000 per day.
This increased traffic on
neighbouring roads and placed ambulances at risk when the roads were congested
at peak times.
It was imperative that the
Prohibition of Driving Order banning all but authorised users from using the
Campus's private roads - for implementation for which the applicant was partly
responsible - was fully implemented well before further phases of the Campus's
development took place.
Noted the Government's statement
on water supply in Cambridge. The Residents’ Association were not persuaded of
the basis in fact for the assurance it sought to give.
The prime concern in their
objection last May was that "neither the outline planning permission...
nor this reserved matters application addressed the important issue of our
endangered water supply." In light of this they asked that "the
application should not be approved until
the applicant has carried out the necessary assessment and the planning
authority is satisfied that the guidance issued by the Environment Agency has
been met." Having now read the report we see that subsequent to our
objection, the applicant produced in July a Water Usage Note which satisfies
the requirement we specified.
David Blevins (Applicant’s Representative) addressed the Committee in
support of the application.
The Senior Planner and Strategic Sites Manager said the following in
response to Members’ questions:
There were several ways cyclists could access the
site, including from the national cycleway from the south to the north where
cyclists could travel along Dame Mary Archer Way.
The roundabout had been upgraded for cycle access
and crossing points had been installed.
The outline planning permission required two access
points to the site; one next to the multistorey car park which had already been
delivered on site the other required an eastern link. The trigger for delivery
of the eastern link was the development of the clinical land; it had not been
delivered yet, but the Applicant had indicated this could come forward.
Crossing points had been installed as part of the
outline planning permission although they may not meet current standards such
as LTN-120.
The nearest bus stop was 300m from the site.
Babraham bus connections were to be brought forward as part of Phase 3 of the
Noted Members’ concerns around the cycle parking
provision; it had been designed to be accessible. The proposed condition
required details to be agreed with the Local Planning Authority; this could be
amended to include ramps to access the cycle parking.
The reserved matters application complied with a
visualisation assessment which was required under the outline consent.
The cycle parking provision was below ground level
so that the roof could be used to provide a usable open space itself a
requirement of the outline planning permission.
The Applicant had considered embodied carbon
impacts if a basement was installed to provide underground parking provision. They
wanted to make the cycle parking provision a more attractive part of the
The statutory consultees were satisfied that any
risk of flooding could be managed by condition.
The Applicant had considered installing PV panels
on the side of the building but thought this could have a jarring visual impact
therefore the PV panels were proposed to be installed on the roof.
The Sustainability Officer welcomed the efforts by
the Applicant to reduce the impact of solar gain. Different glazing levels were
proposed on elevations based on the particular solar impact.
A mixture of small, medium and large trees had been
proposed across the site; the landscaping condition would ensure there was
enough water across the site to maintain trees during their growth.
There was an existing Masterplan for the site
although it was not an adopted document which had been reviewed as part of the
Campus development. Work on a new Masterplan and Supplementary Planning
Document was underway.
Paragraphs 9.96-9.103 of the Officer’s report
provided information on the biodiversity net gain; there would be an uplift in
the habitat and hedgerow units.
The cycle parking design had been through considerable
pre-application discussions. Planning Officers, Urban Design Officers and
Landscape Officers were content with the design.
In response to concerns raised by Members advised
that condition 6 could be amended to include means of access, enclosure,
materials, security, details of layout of cycle parking (including mix) and
drainage and shall demonstrate how the scheme has regard for cyclists with
Advised an informative could be added regarding the
provision of power supply to the public square.
The Strategic Sites Manager offered the following summary of amendments
to the Officer’s recommendation for the planning application reflecting
Members’ debate during the meeting:
a. an amendment to
condition 6 that the details shall include the means of access, enclosure,
materials, security, details of layout of cycle parking (including mix)
and drainage, and shall demonstrate how the scheme has regard for cyclists with
disabilities with the detailed wording of the condition delegated to Officers
in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair; and
b. an additional
informative regarding the provision of power supply to the public square.
Part discharge of the planning conditions on the
outline planning permission reference 16/0176/OUT in relation to reserved
matters application 24/01529/REM:
a. 8 (transport
b. 31 (on plot cycle
and pedestrian facilities)
c. 33 (car parking
d. 37 (cycle parking
e. 39 (ecological
conservation management plan)
41 (surface water drainage)
g. 48 (waste)
h. 49 (landscape),
parts (b), (c), (f), (h)
The Committee:
resolved to:
i. Approve reserved matters application 24/01529/REM subject to the conditions and informatives as detailed in the Officer’s report, with delegated authority to Officers to carry through minor amendments to those conditions and informatives (and include others considered appropriate and necessary) prior to the issuing of the planning permission; subject to
a. an amendment to condition 6 that the details shall include the means of access, enclosure, materials, security, details of layout of cycle parking (including mix) and drainage, and shall demonstrate how the scheme has regard for cyclists with disabilities with the detailed wording of the condition delegated to Officers in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair; and
b. an additional informative regarding the provision of power supply to the public square.
ii. Part discharge of the planning conditions on the outline planning permission reference 16/0176/OUT in relation to reserved matters application 24/01529/REM:
a. 8 (transport spurs)
b. 31 (on plot cycle and pedestrian facilities)
c. 33 (car parking spaces)
d. 37 (cycle parking spaces)
e. 39 (ecological conservation management plan)
f. 41 (surface water drainage)
g. 48 (waste)
h. 49 (landscape), parts (b), (c), (f), (h)
Supporting documents: