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South Cambs
Councillors Stobart and R.Williams left
the meeting before the start of this item and did not return.
The Committee received
a reserved matters application pursuant to 16/0176/OUT for (i) all matters
(access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) relating to the development
of a multi-storey car park and a temporary surface car park as part of the
phased development and (ii) the discharge of conditions 8 (transport spurs), 10
(energy demand), 14 (EV Charging), 31 (on plot cycle and pedestrian
facilities), 33 (car parking spaces), 36 (disabled car parking spaces), 37
(cycle parking spaces), 39 (ecological conservation management plan), 41
(drainage), 43 (sustainability), 48 (waste), 49 (landscape) of planning
permission 16/0176/OUT.
David Blevins (Applicant’s Representative) addressed the Committee in
support of the application.
The Senior Planner said the following in response to Members’ questions:
The difference between active and passive charging
provision was that active EV charging provision meant installing EV charging
facilities on site, passive charging provision meant installing infrastructure
so that further EV charging facilities could be installed in the future.
Noted that the Cambridge Fire Service had been
consulted on the application. They had commented on the fire hydrant condition
and said it was acceptable and made no further comment on the application.
The multistorey car park would be fitted out with
sprinklers and have a smoke ventilation system.
The existing temporary car park was designed to
support the phased build out of the proposed multistorey car park.
In response to members concerns advised that
condition 2 could be amended to prevent the use of the temporary car park when
the multistorey car park was open and in use.
In response to Members concerns about the
percentage of proposed passive ducting advised an informative could be added highlighting
the desirability to increase the percentage of passive ducting for EV charging
and future proofing.
The Strategic Sites Manager offered the following summary of amendments
to the Officer’s recommendation for the planning application reflecting
Members’ debate during the meeting:
Approve reserved matters application 24/01589/REM
subject to the conditions and informatives as detailed in the Officer’s report,
with delegated authority to Officers to carry through minor amendments to those
conditions and informatives (and include others considered appropriate and
necessary) prior to the issuing of the planning permission, subject to:
an amendment to condition 2 to prevent the use
of the temporary car park when the multistorey car park was open and being used
as a car park; and
an additional informative relating to passive
ducting and future proofing as outlined above
Part discharge planning conditions on the outline planning
permission reference 16/0176/OUT in relation to reserved matters application
8 (transport spurs)
31 (on plot cycle and pedestrian facilities)
33 (car parking spaces)
37 (cycle parking spaces)
39 (ecological conservation management plan)
41 (surface water drainage)
48 (waste)
49 (landscape), parts (b), (c), (f), (h)
On a show of hands a proposal by Councillor Baigent, seconded by
Councillor Smart for an informative not to build a multistorey car park was
lost by 2 votes in favour to 7 against.
The Committee:
Resolved (by 8
votes to 0 with 1 abstention) to:
Approve the reserved matters application
24/01589/REM subject to the conditions and informatives as detailed in the
Officer’s report, with delegated authority to Officers to carry through minor
amendments to those conditions and informatives (and include others considered
appropriate and necessary) prior to the issuing of the planning permission,
subject to:
an amendment to condition 2 to prevent the use of
the temporary car park when the multistorey car park was open and being used as
a car park; and
an additional informative relating to passive
ducting and future proofing
Part discharge planning conditions on the outline planning
permission reference 16/0176/OUT in relation to reserved matters application
8 (transport spurs)
31 (on plot cycle and pedestrian facilities)
33 (car parking spaces)
37 (cycle parking spaces)
39 (ecological conservation management plan)
41 (surface water drainage)
48 (waste)
49 (landscape), parts (b), (c), (f), (h)
Supporting documents: