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The Committee received an application for the erection of a Research and
Development / Office building (Use Class E) and associated landscaping, car and
cycle parking, infrastructure works and plant.
Principal Planner referred to details on the Amendment Sheet:
Strategic Transport
22.5 The Transport Assessment Team requests a contribution
for strategic infrastructure to mitigate the transport impact of the
development. The calculation is based on the methodology used to calculate
strategic transport contributions in other sites recently approved in the
Northeast Cambridge area. This would be allocated to the Chisholm Trail and
Milton Road corridor improvement schemes. The cost of the improved cycleway
which is being provided as part of the development as shown in drawing KMC 23006/002
Rev B (condition 34 cycleway completion) would be deducted from the strategic
infrastructure contribution as the cycleway will also benefit other users. The
cost of the cycleway will be agreed with Cambridgeshire County Council. This
route can be deducted from the overall contribution because it is considered to be a local infrastructure improvement which
will be of benefit to other users of the area not just the buildings occupants.
An estimate of the cost of providing the cycleway has
been provided as part of the planning application showing it would cost
approximately £878,000 meaning that it is likely that no off-site contribution
will be provided. This estimate has been considered reasonable and the approach
has been agreed with the Transport Assessment Team at Cambridgeshire
County Council. Should the cycleway cost be less than estimated, the
remaining money will be allocated to strategic infrastructure. The mechanism
for doing this will be included within the S106 agreement.
Amendments To Conditions:
Amendment to Condition 17 to remove the reference to
off-site provision for clarity.
17. Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)
No development shall commence, apart from below ground works
and demolition, until a Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) Scheme, which shall include
details of purchase and monitoring of the offsite biodiversity units, a
biodiversity metric for the site, costings and appropriate legal agreements to
guarantee third party delivery of ongoing habitat management requirements has
been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
Emma Woods (Applicant’s Representative) addressed the Committee in support of
the application.
In response
to Members’ questions the Principal Planner, Cambridgeshire County Council’s
Transport Assessment Manager and Strategic Sites Manager said the following:
details of the building fins, including their maintenance and management would
be secured by a planning condition, noting that it would be in the best
interests of the applicant to ensure the longevity of these features. As part
of the sustainability exercise, consideration had been given to how the fins
could be removed, repaired and maintained over the building’s life cycle.
not possible to secure outdoor gym equipment but there was a significant green
area which the site looked out on to which would allow workers to exercise on.
There was a gym elsewhere on the Science Park.
the comments that the Changing Places toilet was welcomed. It would be
beneficial to the Committee to be invited to view the building, once completed
and ready for occupation to learn from its exemplar standard.
height of the building would be 27 metres to the top
of the plant enclosure plus an additional 3.7 metres
which was the height of the flues.
application had been assessed by Officers on its own merits and not against the
proposals of the Northeast Cambridge Area Action Plan which at
the moment carry only limited weight.
planters in the in the roof terrace would allow maximum flexibility of the use
of this space.
disabled parking bays would be located near to the building’s entrance. The
number of spaces was considered adequate. If there was a requirement to have
further spaces this could be done through the parking management plan, as the
building would be a managed facility.
comments from the Disability Panel related to internal changes, lighting and
desks so would not be considered as part of the planning application
process. However, the applicant had the
information to assist with their internal fit out of the building.
had been in discussion with the applicant regarding accessible benches around
the outside space. This would come forward through the hard and soft
landscaping condition details.
would be more than sixty car parking spaces provided by three surrounding car
parks to the application. The applicant was required to provide an additional
sixty spaces which they would have to demonstrate through the parking
management plan, which had been conditioned.
overall strategy for the site was to provide high quality public transport and
cycle routes to Cambridge North Station, a key transport interchange,
accessible via the Guided Busway.
the cycle way proposed that run southwards from the site would link into the
Guided Busway which provides access to the station.
Guided busway would be two stops to the station.
were current links available from the site to the station, as the area
progressed those links would gradually improve. This would encourage more
people to use public transport or cycle.
part of the area wide strategy there was a proposal for shuttle buses to take
people from the station to various units on the Science Park
but this does not form part of the current application.
building had been designed to be very flexible for future use; the layout of
lab to office space could be modified for other uses.
recommendation was one of approval subject to the conditions and informatives.
This was not an on-balance decision and there were no outstanding issues.
wayfinding strategy had been conditioned.
parking spaces for Voi scooters could not be conditioned.
were no proposals for a public café on site but those on site could access
facilities nearby at the Bradfield Centre.
would be unreasonable to place additional restrictions on condition 36 (water
monitoring) to share water monitoring data through the planning condition
process. However, the applicant’s
representatives were present and may choose to voluntarily share that
the comments that the height of the building could set a precedent for other
applications which could impact the surrounding views and environ and was not
of the highest BREEAM standard.
Landscape Officer had recommended the tree species shown in the application and
agreed these should be conditioned. The Officer was satisfied that there was
enough space for the trees to thrive.
not say how long it would take for the trees to mature. The trees would not
hide the building but soften views from the Mere Way.
Councillor Flaubert proposed the following:
The amendment to Condition 30 was carried unanimously.
Flaubert proposed the following:
The amendment to Condition 23 was carried unanimously.
Councillor Flaubert proposed the following:
include an informative which would have regard to the recommendations of the
Disability Consultative Panel.
The informative was carried unanimously.
Bradnam proposed the following informative:
advisory informative to actively encourage the building operator to make the
water consumption data publicly available.
informative was carried by votes 8 to 1.
A separate
vote was taken on the following amendment as shown on the Amendment Sheet:
amendment to Condition 17 (Biodiversity Net Gain) as set out in the amendment
amendment to Condition 17 was carried unanimously.
Unanimously resolved to grant application 24/01079/FUL
for planning permission in accordance with the Officer recommendation set out
in paragraph 25 of the Officer’s report, for the reasons set out therein and
subject to:
The conditions and informatives as detailed in
section 26 of the Officer’s report, with delegated authority to officers to
carry through minor amendments to those conditions and informatives (and to
include others considered as appropriate and necessary) prior to the issuing of
the planning permission;
With amendment to Condition 17 (Biodiversity Net
Gain) as set out in the amendment sheet.
The additional conditions and informative as
agreed in the meeting which are as follows
an amendment to Condition 30 (Parking Management
Plan) to include specific reference to disabled parking provision.
an amendment to Condition 23 (Hard and Soft
Landscaping) - criteria (d) (which relates to street furniture) to ensure
regard to provision for people with disabilities.
to include an informative which would have
regard to the recommendations of the Disability Consultative Panel.
advisory informative to actively encourage the building operator to make the
water consumption data publicly available
The prior completion of a Section 106 Agreement
under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 with delegated authority to
officers to negotiate, settle and complete such an Agreement as referenced in
the Heads of Terms within this report including any other planning obligations
considered appropriate and necessary to make the development acceptable in
planning terms.
Supporting documents: