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The report relates to a variation of condition application under section
73 (S73) of the Town and Country Planning Act (TCPA) 1990, which seeks to amend
conditions 16 (approved drawings), 64 (cycle parking), and 65 (car parking) of
application 21/00772/OUT which was allowed on appeal as follows:
Amendment the design of Building 3
to facilitate the provision of lab space.
Provision of amenities within the
Multi-Storey Car Park (MSCP).
Design amendments to Building 3
and the MSCP to alter their appearance. The height and footprint of the
buildings are unchanged.
Amendments to the landscape design
to coordinate with the revised building design
A reduction in car parking
An increase in cycle parking
The Principal Planner updated their report by referring to the
amendments contained within the Amendment Sheet summarised as follows:
Amendments To Text:
Amendment to the title of three of the plans referenced in condition 16
in Section 25 of the report to rectify errors: 16. The development hereby
permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:
• 2435A4-LLA-ZZ-00-DR-L-0001 Rev P01
• 2435A4-LLA-ZZ-XX-DR-L-0001 P03 Landscape MMA Proposals Supplementary
Doc (May 2023)
• 2435A4-LLA-ZZ-00-DR-L-0003 Rev P01 Landscape MMA GA
Condition 72 listed in section 25 is proposed to be removed as it is not
Linking condition
72. Conditions 1-15, 17 - 63 and 66 - 71 of planning permission
21/00772/OUT (as set out above) shall continue to apply to this permission.
Where such conditions pertaining to 21/00772/OUT have been discharged, the
development of planning permission 23/03182/S73 shall be carried out in accordance
with the terms of discharge and those conditions shall be deemed to be
discharged for this permission also. Reason: To define the terms of the
Orestis Tzortzoglou (Applicant)) addressed the Committee in support of
the application.
The Principal Planner and the Delivery Manager said the following in
response to Members’ questions:
The proposed use of the building
would be flexible. The amended proposals show a 60/40 split between laboratory
and office use floorspace although this can be amended without the need for
planning permission as the original consent is suitably flexible. This would
result in a reduction in the number of employees by approximately 500. There
would be a reduction of car parking spaces of 107. This results in the ratio of
employees to car parking spaces remaining the same, which is 1 space per 5.18
staff members.
Provisions for car sharing would need
to be a part of the travel plan. There would be further travel plans during
later phases of development.
Cyclists would access the building
at the front of the building.
Would need to investigate whether
any disabled parking bays had EV charging points. Could suggest an informative
to recommend that.
The Delivery Manager offered the following summary of amendments to the
Officer’s recommendation for both planning applications reflecting Members’
debate during the meeting:
the amendments detailed in the
Amendment Sheet;
an additional informative to ask
developer to provide proportionate element of EV charging for the disabled
parking provision.
Resolved (Unanimously) to grant the S73 application in accordance with
the Officer recommendation, for the reasons set out in the Officer’s report
(with delegated authority to Officers to make minor amendments to the
conditions as drafted), subject to:
the amendments detailed in the
Amendment Sheet;
the conditions and informatives
set in the Officers report;
the amendments detailed in the
Amendment Sheet;
an additional informative to ask
developer to provide proportionate element of EV charging for the disabled
parking provision.
Supporting documents: